What is one thing you need to look professional?
Good hygiene
Work Appropriate Clothing
Hello, The persons name...
Is what...
The greeting
How early should you be for a job interview and why?
10 or 15 minutes early to give yourself enough time to prepare.
What are the three E's
Education,Employment, and Enlistment
What do we have to go through every morning ?
Metal Detectors ( GHETTO)
True or false:
Being Professional means acting ghetto
Formal or informal:
I be glad to provide you with....
Name two things that are most important in order to make a good first impression: Why are these two things so important?
shake hands, eye contact, positive attitude, friendly, sell yourself, dress professionally
What is the difference between a College and a University?
University" refers to larger institutions offering both undergraduate and graduate programs. "College" refers to community colleges, technical schools, and liberal arts colleges.
Who is the main principal ?
Dr. Po
Knowing how to dress and act in a way that people will take you seriously is defined as what?
Sincerely, Your name....
Is what...
A Closing
Name two different ways you could follow up after an interview:
Thank you email, Thank you card, phone call
What are the types of degrees in order
Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral
Which block can't we go to the bathroom in?
When you greet a customer with a smile and a firm handshake and say "thank you" or "you're welcome" That is...
Good customer service
Is this Formal and Informal:
Would you mind sending....
Explain what to do with your hair and why?
shampoo, style, comb/ brush, gel or spray
What do we have to write in once in a while?
Our Journals
What is our news channel called?
Hopewell Vibe
When someone is organized, has taken time to research, is professionally dressed and asks questions.. That person is..
Which step is this:
Ask permission to do something..
Step 3
What is a good answer when asked about what you expect to get paid or salary expected? Why is this a good answer?
Negotiable or Open
What did we have to do for the bloom project?
Put 12 things we learned during the second quarter and then make them into a ball.
Who is the school mascot ?
A Blue Devil