Readings and Class Discussions
Bearcat Knowledge
Guest Speakers
What does VARK stand for?
What is Visual/Aural/Read/Write/Kinesthetic
The "Undergrad Survival Guide" was distributed by which organization on campus?
What is the USG
How much money can you receive from the Opportunities Fund to study abroad for a full semester your sophomore year?
What is ZERO!
The User Experience Librarian/Liaison to Baruch College Honors Program that spoke to you this semester was ...
Who is Stephen Francoeur
What fellowship "provides internships, mentoring, and enriched educational opportunities to promising New York City undergraduates" and is open to "second semester freshman or sophomores who are full-time students registered in a liberal arts track?"
What is the Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship
The article by Jewel and Gardner about college professors was called ...
What is Decoding Your Professors
SACC stands for ...
What is Student Academic Consulting Center
Explain in detail your GPA requirements throughout your college career as a Macaulay student at Baruch.
What is a 3.3 GPA through the completion of 59 credits, and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 60 credits and onward
SCDC stands for ...
What is Starr Career Development Center
What are the first and last names of everyone in this room?
The Roster, Stacey Backenroth, Tracy Dimaculangan
What word describes the act of lending assistance or failing to report witnessed acts of academic misconduct?
What is Collusion
What are the full names of the 3 schools at Baruch?
What are The Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, The School of Public Affairs, and The Zicklin School of Business
Aside from Study Abroad, name 5 other programs/items that the Opportunities Fund can cover.
What are ... Internships/Undergraduate Research, Away and Abroad Internships and Fieldwork, Service Learning and Service Programs, Academic Conferences, Honors Project Experiences, Memberships, Graduate Education App Fees, Licensing and Graduate Education Exams, Professional Development
Name three programs you can join that are associated with STARR
What are FLP, Peers for Careers, The Rising Starr Sophomore Program, Max Berger Pre-Law Program, Online Mentoring, Executives on Campus, Global Student Certificate Program and Financial Women's Association Baruch College Mentoring Program
Specify the number of classes AND credits Macaulay will cover for classes during the Winter and Summer Intersessions.
What are: Winter Intersession – One class, 3-4 credits /// Summer Intersession – Two classes, 6-8 credits
According to Baruch's definition, cheating is the unauthorized use of what 6 things?
What are materials, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication
What are all the women's athletics teams available at Baruch?
What are Basketball, Dance, Cross Country, Softball, Swimming/Diving, Tennis and Volleyball
Which program, highlighted in the Macaulay website helps students "for whom graduate education is an essential foundation of their aspirations."
What is The Horace W. Goldsmith Scholars Program
What were the names of your three guest speakers for the student panel and name one on campus activity they participated in.
Who are Elisabeth/Liz, Amrita and Shirley; answers will vary
As a Macaulay Scholar, name the TWO main circumstances that will exempt you from the On Campus Cultural Event Requirement
What are Freshman/Sophomore Year Status and Abroad for a full semester
What are the four pairs of characteristics that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator focuses on?
What are Extraversion/Intraverson, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving
Baruch is known for the Zicklin School of Business. What are the 9 main areas that one can major in under Zicklin?
1. Accountancy, 2. Computer Information Systems, 3. Economics, 4. Finance, 5. International Business, 6. Management, 7. Marketing, 8. Statistics and Quantitative Modeling, 9. Real Estate
What are the official course titles of all the IDC seminar classes you must take, and what is the title of the Minor you receive as a result of these classes?
What are The Arts in New York City, The Peopling of New York City, Science and Technology in New York City, Shaping the Future of New York City/// Interdisciplinary Minor with Honors in NYC Studies
Name the 3 opportunities/clubs/programs at Baruch presented to you by the Sustainability Committee, as well as 1 volunteer opportunity.
What are the Eco Club, the USG Sustainability Committee, and Task Force for Sustainability/ What are Million Trees NYC, Park Clean Ups, Build it Green NYC, Lower East Side Ecology Center, Time’s Up, Port Side New York, Sustainable Climate Environmental Advocate New York City
Name the required Honors course you must take as a Weissman/SPA student AND provide the full name (i.e. MGT3121) of the required Honors course for a Zicklin Student.
What are Feit Honors Seminar and BPL5100H