What are the 2 North Scott school colors?
Scarlet and Silver
How do you request to see your counselor?
Fill out the google form (QR code in each classroom)
How many credits do you receive for each block class you pass?
1 for each block course
True or False. You need 4 years of spanish to attend any college
False. There are institutions that do not require spanish for admission. In most cases, a community college or apprenticeship will not require any spanish in order to attend.
Name the 5 elementary schools within the district.
Ed White Neil Armstrong Virgil Grissom John Glenn Alan Shepard
True or False. There has been a North Scott graduate play professional football.
False. Beth Bader (Class of 1992) Professional golfer Mike Busch (Class of 1986) Professional Baseball Player
Who is the high school principal?
Mr. Lehn
How many credits do you need in order to graduate?
What is the ACT?
A college entrance test that determines college readiness.
What was this year's homecoming theme?
Box the Bobcats
What are the last 3 words of the fight song?
onward to victory
Who do you return doctor's slip to after an appointment?
Laurie in the front office
Name 1 subject you are required to take all 4 years of high school.
English PE/ Strength Training
What is a major?
A subject or field of study chosen by a college student.
Who is the head boys basketball coach?
Coach Budde
What year was North Scott High School established?
How many counselors are at the high school?
3 Mrs. Nikolopoulos Mrs. Jepsen Mrs. Denahy
What is a transcript?
An official report which contains official records of an individual student. It will list years attended, subjects studied, and grades received
Name the 3 state universities located in Iowa.
University of Iowa
University of Northern Iowa
Iowa State University
Name 1 staff member that graduated from North Scott High School.
Mrs. Hamann, Mrs. Hintze, Mr. Hubner, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Kuehl-Schneider, Mr. Linnenbrink, Mr. Marceau, Mrs. Perez, Ms. Romero, Mrs. Schmeink, Mr. Schroeder, Mrs. Gronewold, Mrs. Mess, Mr. Marlon Stewart, Mrs. Madden
How many principals has the high school had since its inception in 1958?
11 Heiler, Oles, Fisher, Hintz, Radigan, McClurg, Hobbs, Scherer, Zimmer, Knoche, Lehn
Which High School staff member has worked for the district the longest?
Mrs. Hamann, Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Kuehl-Schneider
If you took a full schedule (not including 1st period) all 4 years how many credits could you receive before graduation?
8 classes for 8 semesters=64
The largest number of college students earn which type of undergraduate degree? A. Education B. Business C. Engineering D. Health Science
B. Business
How many people does The Pit seat? (Correct if within 100)
About 1500