Figurative Language
Vocab/Vocab in Context
Fiction/Epic Heroes

Comparing something using "like" or "as"



the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot



Name one thing about an epic hero that makes him/her different?

Powers, important person in society, reflects values, leader, courageous, etc.


Formal or Conversational Writing when writing responses?



Correct the sentence:

I was angry at my dog but I still gave her a treat.

I was angry at my dog, but I still gave her a treat.


Why would someone use personification on an object?

To make audiences connect with it/have a new understanding for it


The process by which a writer reveals things about a character



What two types of characterization are there?

Indirect and Direct


M.E.A.L. stands for this.

Main Idea



Link Back


Correct the sentence:

Because I read the article called basketball is cool I tried out for my basketball team at school

Because I read the article called "Basketball is Cool", I tried out for my basketball team at school.


What is a symbol and give me an example from Of Mice and Men.

A symbol is an object that represents something else: red, the dog, mice, Curely's wife, the dream ranch, rabbits, etc


Author's word choice and sentence structure (all or nothing)

Diction and Syntax


Why is learning about characters important to you, the reader (I need two reasons)

Understanding of author's ideas

Understanding of story and plot

Symbols within characters

Relationships and values


Why is this chunky/rocky peanut butter? Correct it:

The author writes George's tone, which makes the theme. He shows the audience a quote. "trusted with live mice. (Steinbeck #10)." 

*Ms. Bradley judge*

The author portrays George's tone when he is being mean to Lennie. Lennie continues to kill animals and George believe that Lennie should not be "trusted with live mice" (Steinbeck 10).


Correct the sentence:

England a country in europe should of known to give up to america.

England, a country in Europe, should have known to give up to America.


Difference between Mood and Tone:

Mood = audience feelings

Tone = author's attitude


What two figurative languages is this quote an example of? Tell me why.

"[the string was tightened],and under his touch it sang out clear and sharp as a swallow’s cry" (Homer 22.192).

Personification & Simile

Personification: Strings cannot sing and it is doing a human action

Simile: the word "as"


What is irony & what is dramatic irony?

Dramatic irony is something unexpected happening: a firehouse catching on fire.

Dramatic Irony is when the audience knows something the characters do not know.


Look at these exiled words and phrases and provide better sentence starters than them:

"This quote shows..."

"The character says, "why is this all happening?" (4).

"I think the theme is the power can corrupt anybody."

Ms. Bradley Judge

"This characterization/figurative language device may suggest that..."

"The character wonders "why is this all happening?" (4).

"Power corrupts all within a story, highlighting its effect on the characters as a theme throughout the story."


Correct the sentence and then flip the clauses:

Me read the a magazine called cosmopolitan, because it has makeup tips 

I read the a magazine called Cosmopolitan because it has makeup tips.

Because it has makeup tips, I read the magazine called Cosmopolitan.


Tell me what a theme is and tell me why this example is wrong:

Theme: Love

A theme is an overall message from the author. It cannot just be a word.


What is this an example of and what is it's effect?

Ms. Bradley: "I've told the class a million times, but you need to study your vocabulary!"

It is a hyperbole.

It's effect is that Ms. Bradley is trying to emphasize how important studying the vocabulary is and she is overexaggerating how many times she has told us to really push the importance.


Explain what main 5 parts happen in a plot.

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution 


How should I analyze a quote effectively?

Why is this not effective analysis?

The author portrays George's tone when he is being mean to Lennie. Lennie continues to kill animals and George believe that Lennie should not be "trusted with live mice" (Steinbeck 10). George's tone is said and it shows theme. He also does this when...

Break down the quote (diction, figurative language), explain its effect/purpose, and connect it back to the claim. 

The analysis is repetitive.


Correct the sentences:

A reason me enjoyed going to merrimack college was that it had a starbucks next to my dorm but it was to expensive. Since I drunk so much coffee I would need to lay down.

A reason me enjoyed going to Merrimack College was that it had a Starbucks next to my dorm, but it was too expensive. Since I drank so much coffee, I would need to lie down.