The three sections of the unconscious mind
What are ID, ego, superego
Freud wrote a book called
What is The introduction to psychoanalysis?
Freud is known as the father of
What is psychotherapy?
"Freud believed they are all constantly working against each other in order to push ideas into our conscious or “awake” mind."
Awake is this context is a
What is personification?
According to Freud, ID acts accordingly to
What is the pleasure principle
The rational part of our brain
What is ego?
The balancing act is
What is balancing all 3 sections of the unconscious mind.
In 1930 Freud...
wrote a book
ego acts accordingly to the
What is the reality principle
The most primitive part of the brain.
What is ID?
Freud believed
human behavior could be explained by the fears and desires that are stored below the surface of our consciousness.
Today, Freud’s methods are
used by psychologists and psychotherapists around the world.
The Pleasure principle is
the psychic force that motivates the tendency to seek immediate gratification of any impulse.
a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt
What is Superego
Freud's Theory argued
Human are completely controlled by the unconscious mind
Psychotherapy is
What is a practice that questions patients over a period of time to see what kind of memories may be influencing their behavior.
When explaining ID, ego, and superego ____ is used to help explain.
What is analogy?
The reality principle is
seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bring grief.
According to Freud, if a person had too much super ego they may
he or she may live an overly ordered, rigid life, may ignore their own wants and needs, or may be too judgmental of others.
Freud is credited for
What is the development of the idea of the subconscious.