What is the Friar's name?
What is a semi-cope?
A capelike garment.
What does a Friar do?
Religiously serve their community
Why does the Friar know so many innkeepers and barmaids?
He spent most of his time in the taverns.
What is one of the instruments that the Friar plays?
Hurdy-gurdy or Harp
What does the Friar value that he shouldn't?
money or girls
What does the Friar keep in his tippet?
Pins and Pocket Knives to give to pretty girls.
Who does the Friar mainly target for confessions?
Pretty girls
"And how he______, Just like a puppy!"
What does he do along with playing instruments?
He sings
What did he do to obtain all of the money he had?
Manipulate/beg the people in his community.
What was the shape of his body compared to?
A bell
What did the Friar supposedly get from the Pope?
A license to listen to confessions.
What were Friars forbidden to do on settling days?
Negotiate or arbitrate disputes
What was his "natural gift?"
What is a reoccurring attitude that the Friar maintains in the text?
"His neck was whiter than a____?"
Lily flower
What do you need to give to the Friar to get an absolution from him?
a gift
Why did no one else try to beg in his district?
He paid "rent" for it
Why is it a bad thing that the Friar is "the finest beggar of his batch?"
Begging was seen as a last resort.
What happened to the friar's eyes when he sang or played his harp?
His eyes twinkled as bright as any star on a frosty night
Why did Friars wear tippets(large hoods)?
To hide any temptation in their society.
What did he take from the widow?
"He'd fixed up many a marriage, giving each of his young women what he could afford her."
Why does the Friar need to arrange marriages quickly?
Because the girls are pregnant from him.
What gives the friar exclusive rights to beg and preach in his district?
He's a limiter