The term Lesbianism
Woman who love Woman (WLW), Non-Men who are attracted to Non-Men (NMLNM)
The ways how consent should be played out
Correct Consent: Asking the other party for permission
No is no; no matter what circumstance
Making sure they're consciously aware and sure of themselves and their answer
Define Platonic and Familial dynamics
Platonic - with self and significant other(s) with no romantic/sexual interest
Familial - with self and blood related members and/or through marriage with no romantic/sexual interest
The different types of STIs
HPV (human papillomavirus)
Pubic lice ('crabs')
The difference between being Bisexual and being a Lesbian
The difference is that those who are bisexual have a romantic and/or sexual attraction to cis-men and cis-women, while being a lesbian means that you can have any romatic and/or sexual attraction to only women (cis-women, trans women, non-binary, non-men)
The ways consent should not be played out
Incorrect Consent: Engaging in the act without the partners permission
Not listening to their wants and needs
Taking advantage of the situation by trying to silence their response and/or reaction while under the influence
Define a Romantic dynamic
Romantic - with self and signifcant other(s) that has romantic/sexual interest
The difference between HIV and AIDS
HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system and AIDS is a term that can only be used when HIV has caused severe damage to the immune system based on T-Cell count.
Examples of a major misconception about Lesbians
Lesbianism isn't approved due to the hyperexposure of men
Lesbians are just hypersexual as people
Lesbians target hetero women to "turn them out"
Lesbians are only approved when they are doing a sexual act
Lesbians are always hypermasculine
The assumptions with consent that shouldn't be
Just because the person presence might be there doesn't mean they want to engage
Communication is key; if nothing is said don't commence
Based on a person's sexual orentation; if the person doesn't engage in sexual acts with the opposite gender or at all; do not ask to engage, preferably ask their sexual orientation
Subsections on how romantic dynamics can be broken down into
monogamy, only engaging in romantic/sexual interest with one person
polyamory, engaging in romantic/sexual interest with more than one person
The use of Dental Dams
A dental dam is a square, stretchy sheet made from latex or polyurethane plastic. It blocks the body fluids that can spread sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Based on the story, tell me the ways society has caused Frida to push away from their true sexual orientation.
The use of Marijuana, to help Frida cope with their insecurities that was pushed onto them by outsiders
Monogamy; where they felt unvalidated to be with one person which was a man
Polyamory; where they felt unwanted due to them not being catered to in a relationship where the ones who was catered to most were men
Based on the story, what should've have been done differently when Frida was about to engage in their first threesome?
Either party should've asked Frida if they wanted to engage
Frida shouldn't had to use a substance to calm their anxiety, their sober state of mind should've been acknowledged and respected before asking to do any acts
Based on the story, define what dynamic Frida enaged in and how it affected them
Frida engaged in monogamy, which is based on catering to one person romantically/sexually, however, their needs weren't met based on their ex's relationship dynamic at the time; due to them being polyamorous. Which means that they catered to more than one person romatically/sexually, who was their boyfriend at the time.
Based on the story, Frida's fear of getting tested, what could they have done differently?
Frida could've used Dental Dams
Had a sober mind state while engaging or wanting to engange before intercourse
Educated themselves more on what STIs are and how they will affect them and the partners they interact with