Food Idioms
Food Idioms

What are the 2nd and 3rd form of the verb:


freeze, froze, frozen


If you ______ (not water) plants regularly, they ______ (die) quickly in the summer.

If you don't water plants regularly, they die quickly in the summer.


I live underground. I am orange but my hair is green. Rabbits love me.

What am I?

A carrot!


5. What does "Cheap as chips" mean?
a) Very tasty
b) Very affordable or inexpensive
c) Very crunchy
d) A type of food

b) Very affordable or inexpensive

"These sunglasses were cheap as chips, but they look really stylish!"


6. What does "Cool as a cucumber" mean?
a) Very cold
b) Very calm and relaxed
c) Someone who loves vegetables
d) Someone who is lazy

b) Very calm and relaxed

"Even in stressful situations, she stays as cool as a cucumber."


What are the 2nd and 3rd form of the verb:


bite, bit, bitten


If we ______ (leave) now, we ______ (make) it to the concert on time, but we need to hurry.

If we leave now, we will make it to the concert on time, but we need to hurry.


I am white and tasty. I can be salty or sweet. I come from a yellow seed. Both children and adults love me. I like watching films.

What am I?



11. What does "Piece of cake" mean?
a) Something that is very easy to do
b) Something that is delicious
c) A special reward
d) A small portion of something

a) Something that is very easy to do

"The test was a piece of cake! We all got high marks."


13. What does "Smart cookie" mean?
a) Someone who likes to bake
b) A clever and intelligent person
c) Someone who is sweet
d) A person who is stubborn

b) A clever and intelligent person

"She figured out the problem in no time; she’s such a smart cookie."


What are the 2nd and 3rd form of the verb:


stirred (it's regular!)


If she ______ (speak) French fluently, she ______ (apply) for the job in Paris, but she doesn’t feel confident enough.

If she spoke French fluently, she could/would apply for a job in Paris, but she doesn't feel confident enough.


I am red and juicy inside. I wear a green and white stripy coat. My seeds are black and I taste very sweet. 

What am I?



1. What does "Apple of one's eye" mean?
a) A person who loves apples
b) Someone's glasses
c) Someone who is very precious or loved
d) Someone who enjoys attention

c) Someone who is very precious or loved

"Her granddaughter is the apple of her eye; she talks about her all the time."


14. What does "Spill the beans" mean?
a) To cook a meal
b) To reveal a secret
c) To ruin something
d) To throw something away

b) To reveal a secret

"Come on, spill the beans! I know you have a surprise for me."


TWO of these verbs are irregular. Which ones?

boil cut melt whisk bake stink

cut (cut, cut, cut)

stink (stink, stank, stunk)


If I ______ (exercise) regularly, I would feel healthier, but I never have time. 

If he ______ (get) the promotion next week, he will have to move to a new city. 

If you ______ (heat) water to 100°C, it boils.

If I exercised regularly, I would feel healthier, but I never have time. 

If he gets the promotion next week, he will have to move to a new city. 

If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.


What does the term "whisk" mean in cooking?
a) To chop ingredients into small pieces
b) To cook food on low heat
c) To beat or stir ingredients quickly using a utensil to add air
d) To bake something until golden brown

c) To beat or stir ingredients quickly using a utensil to add air


12. What does "Put all your eggs in one basket" mean?
a) To carry eggs carefully
b) To make a big investment
c) To rely on one thing or plan
d) To try new things

c) To rely on one thing or plan

"It’s risky to invest all your money in one stock – don’t put all your eggs in one basket."


What does "Bun in the oven" mean?
a) To cook something
b) To be expecting a baby
c) To buy bread
d) To be warm and cozy

b) To be expecting a baby

Bun in the oven
"Sarah just told me she has a bun in the oven – she’s going to be a mom!"


THREE of these verbs are irregular. Which ones?

pour sweat chop swear beat grind 

swear, swore, sworn

beat, beat, beaten

grind, ground, ground


If they ______ (not hurry), they won’t finish the project before the deadline. 

If I ______ (know) the answer, I would have told you, but I’m just as confused as you are.  

If people ______ (recycle) more, there would be less pollution.

If they don't hurry, they won't finish the project before the deadline.

If I knew the answer, I would tell you, but I'm just as confused as you are. 

If people recycled more, there would be less pollution.


What does the term "simmer" mean in cooking?
a) To cook food quickly at a high temperature
b) To cook food gently in liquid just below boiling point
c) To fry food until it is crispy
d) To cook food in an oven at a low temperature

b) To cook food gently in liquid just below boiling point


What does "Take something with a pinch of salt" mean?
a) To add salt to your food
b) To take something very seriously
c) To not completely believe something
d) To criticize someone for being wrong

c) To not completely believe something

"He tends to tell a lot of lies, so I take everything he says with a pinch of salt."


What does "Butter someone up" mean?
a) To prepare food for someone
b) To make someone feel uncomfortable
c) To flatter or praise someone to gain favor
d) To make someone to do something

c) To flatter or praise someone to gain favor

"He’s trying to butter up his boss so he can get a promotion."