What and how many pillars of Islam are there?
5 pillars:
What and how many articles of Iman are there?
6 articles of Iman:
Holy Books
Day of Judgement
Who are we and what religion do we follow?
We are Muslims and we follow Islam
What is the hadith about cleanliness?
Cleanliness and purity is half your faith
What is the meaning of Islam?
What is the 1st Kalimah and what is the translation?
La illaha illala Muhammadur Rasullah
There is only God and Muhammad is his messenger
What is the meaning of Tawheed?
Oneness of Allah
What is shirk?
Shirk is associating partners with Allah SWT
How many Holy Books do we believe in and what are their names?
4 Holy Books:
Name the 4 main angels and their responsibilities?
Jibreel: Messenger
Mikaeel: Brings rain
Israfeel: Blows the trumpet on the day of judgements
Israeel: Angel of Death
What makes you a Muslim?
Believing in and acting on the Shahadah
How many daily prayers and their timings?
5 daily prayers:
Fajr: Before sunrise
Zuhr: Right after the Suns highest point
Asr: Starts right after Zuhr and ends before sunset
Maghrib: Right after Sunset
Isha: Night
What are the first few & important things to do once you wake up?
Dua after sleep
Free yourself & use bathroom, washing your hand, be careful when using bathroom
For cleaning your private parts use your left hand
What are some involuntary prayers ?
Eid Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Prayers for Rain, Tahajjud, Other Nafil prayers between the 5 daily prayers
What are the 4 faraaidh in Wudhu?
1. Washing of the face, from the forehead to the (below) chin
2.Washing both arms upto the elbows.
3 Doing masah, quarter of the head
4 Washing both feet upto the ankles
What are the important angels and their duties?
1. Karaman katibeen - writing your good & bad deeds
2. Munkar & Nakeer - Questioning in the grave
What are the 4 books we believe in & on which prophets were they revealed?
1. Taurat (Old Testament) - Prophet Musa (as)
2.Zaboor - Prophet Dawood (as)
3. Injeel (New Testament) - Prophet Isa (as)
4. Quran - Prophet Muhammad (saw / Pbuh)
How many prophets do we know / mentioned in the Quran?
They are 25 prophets mentioned in Quran
What the 5 prayers & how many rakahs in each?
Fajr - 2S, 2F
Zuhr - 4S, 4F, 2S, 2N
Asr - 4S, 4F
Maghrib - 3F, 2S, 2N
Isha - 4S, 4F, 2S, 2N, 3W, 2N
Mention few important features about Prophets?
1.All Prophets preached the oneness of Allah
2. Always spoke the truth, committed no sins.
3. They conveyed the message of Allah (swt) without adding or leaving out on anything.
4. They performed miracles with the help / guidance of Allah (swt)
Mention few important things about Quran?
1. Was revealed as the last book on our last Prophet Muhammad (saw)
2. Nothing has been changed since it was revealed
3. Allah Promised to safeguard the text of the Quran
4. It is still pure, clear & free from any change and/or alterations.
5. Memorized by thousands & thousands since its revelation
What is the difference between Nabis (Messengers) and Rasools (Prophets)?
1. All Rasools were Nabis but not all Nabis were Rasools
2. A Rasool/ Prophet is he who received a new divine law where as a Nabi/Messenger is he who follows the divine law or the prophet before him.
Give some details about the Day of Judgement?
1. World will come to an end
2. No one knows about the hour / time besides Allah (swt)
3.The (1st trumpet) sound will cause every living person / creature will die.
4. With the (2nd trumpet) sound, every creature created from the beginning of the world's creation, will be alive again.
5. Every one will be judged.
Name 4 Prophets who sons / fathers were Prophets as well?
- Dawood (as) & Sulaiman (as)
- Yaqoob (as) & Yusuf (as)
- Ismail (as) & Ibrahim (as)
- Ismail (as) & Ishaq (as)
What voluntary prayer we perform in which month? Please share details?
how its prayed?
- Taraweeh
-Performed in Ramadan, after Isha prayers , before witr.
- Prayed in a set of 2 rakahs, can be prayed 8 - 20.