The 00's
Female Famous Phrases
Animal Instincts
Jiminy Cricket
From Page to Screen

Even Superman was a fan of this 3 Doors Down song that reach number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 List

What is Kryptonite


"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line." - Said by this voice actor turned Executive Producer from the 40's & 50's

Who is Lucille Ball


Don't be fooled by their snow white fur, this mammals skin color is actually black.

What is a polar bear


Don't get in the way of this royal character while he is busting a move with his best friend Pacha.

Who is Kuzco


Meryl Streep brought Miranda Priestly to life in this 2006 film. 

What is Devil Wears Prada


If the events in this 2002 horror movie happened in February, then it would have lasted the whole month.

What is 28 Days Later


"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." - Said by this world traveler.

Who is Amelia Earhart


Out of (50,000), (100,000), (150,000), (220,000)

It's the number of muscles in an elephants trunk

What is 100,000


Sid is the foe in this first Pixar movie from 1995. 

What is Toy Story


This William Goldman novel was turned into an immediate fan favorite in 1987. Inconceivable!

What is The Princess Bride


Jack, Sawyer, Kate...oh my! This show was famous for keeping their viewers guessing at what it all means.

What was Lost


This leader of the runway once said

"Women have always been the strong ones of the world."

Who is Coco Chanel


This bird is the only one that flies backwards.

What is a hummingbird


It means "no worries, for the rest of your daaayyyyyyyys"

What is "Hakuna Matata"


This 1994 book turned movie has created Oscar winners, repeatable catch phrases, and even a chain restaurant. 

What is Forrest Gump


The A-List cast members of this blockbuster hit were arguably worth more than the money they stole from Terry Benedict.

What is Ocean's Eleven


This 23 time title champion once said 

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does."

Who is Serena Williams


These cuddly little "bears" are known to sleep for up to 22 hours a day!! Talk about beauty sleep.

What is a Koala Bear


Its the number of years that Genie was stuck in the lamp in Aladdin. 

What is 10,000


Martin Scorsese turned this Nicholas Pileggi novel into a 1990 blockbuster hit with Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci

What is Goodfellas


These sunglasses went from the cockpit to the red carpet popping up on celebrity faces all over the world. 

What are Aviators


This world leader is quoted as saying. 

"In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman."

Who is Margaret Thatcher


Ouch! Only the female versions of these pests have the abilities to bite. 

What is the mosquito


This Disney villain was brought to life by Angelina Jolie.

Who is Maleficent


This thriller of a book turned movie was turning heads back in 1973, and even had audience members running for the exit. 

What is The Exorcist