How many seconds in a minute?
What is 60?
The months December, January, and February?
What is Winter?
A cold, creamy, sweet dessert.
What is icecream?
What is soccer?
The city we live in.
What is Watsonville?
How many minutes in an hour?
What is 60?
The months of March, April and May.
What is Spring?
A small cakey dessert that usually comes in a wrapper.
What is a cupcake?
Played on a diamond, the players use bats.
What is baseball?
What is California?
How many hours in a day?
What is 24?
The months of Summer.
What are June, July, and August?
A dessert with a crust and a filling.
What is a pie?
This game encourages tackling.
What is football?
The county we live in.
What is Santa Cruz?
How many days in a year?
What is 365?
The months of September, October, and November.
What is Fall or Autumn?
A sweet treat that has a hole in the middle.
What is a donut?
Played on a court and has a basket at each end.
What is basketball?
The country we live in.
What is the United States?
How many months in a year?
What is 12?
The season when Christmas occurs.
What is Winter?
A crunchy, sweet dessert with chocolate chips in it?
What is a chocolate chip coookie?
Played on a court with a tiny yellow ball and rackets.
What is tennis?
Our neighbor countries.
What are Mexico and Canada?