Point of View
Main Idea
Fiction Smiles to Go
Fun Facts

Inference Riddle: Birds fly south for me. I am a season when people build snowmen, the days are short and the nights are long.

What is I am winter.


 I ran up a steep hill. I was very hot and exhausted. It was a long race, but I was in the lead. I knew if I could keep my pace I would be able to win the race. 

What point of view is this written in?

What is first person.


What is the definition of main idea?

What is what the passage is mostly about.


What is the narrator's primary motivation for continuing to visit Jim?

A. He wants Jim to ask him to help with the experiments.

B. He enjoys watching Jim manage several tasks at once.

C. He thinks spending time with Jim will make him smarter.

D. He likes witnessing the moments when Jim is surprised.

What is D. He likes witnessing the moments when Jim is surprised.


Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

What is a fruit.


Inference Riddle: You can plant me. You can pick me. You can pop me or make me into bread.

What is I am corn.


. Adrian was anxious when he got home from school Thursday afternoon. Ms. Arellano gave so much homework and he knew that his mom wouldn't let him play video games unless all of his homework was done. 

What point of view is this written in?

What is third person limited.


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that could be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed, and playing beach volleyball can be a lot fun too. Some people simply like to sun bathe.

What is the main idea?

What is there are many fun things to do at the beach.


What does the word clacking mean in paragraph 3?

What is to make a sharp sound.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What is 700 pounds of wood.


 When Sarah was telling about her last place finish in the competition, her cheeks turned red and she had trouble looking her friend in the eyes.
How is Sarah feeling?

What is Sarah is embarrassed about finishing last.


Once you have the cake in the oven, start to make the whip cream frosting. Combine the whipping cream, powdered sugar, and food coloring in a small mixer bowl.

What point of view is this written in?

What is second person.


Helicopters are sometimes use to carry loads of water that help put out forest fires. Ships in the middle of the ocean often receive supplies from helicopters. Helicopters also are used to rescue people in hard to reach areas.

What is the main idea?

What is helicopters are used to complete tough jobs.


What does the simile in paragraph 3 suggest about Jim?

A. He wishes he knew someone who shared his passion.

B. He approached his work with intense focus.

C. He is interested in both Science and sports.

D. He usually makes up experiments as they occur to him.

What is B. He approaches his work with intense focus.

How many sides does a stop sign have?
What is 8.

 Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Laddie's neck. He stormed out of the house and slammed the door. Laddie followed behind him.
He said, "Hurry up, Laddie. You are always so slow."
Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw.
What is true about Justin?

What is Justin was mad that he had to walk the dog.


 John looked nervously at Patty as she reached into the cage without hesitation. She was not scared of snakes in the slightest.

What is the point of view written in?

What is third person omniscient.


The Hudson River Wetlands are home to several species of mammals, like otters. Also, the Hudson River has many underwater plants, like water celery. Various types of fish, like the American Eel live at the bottom of the Hudson River. 

What is the main idea?

What is the Hudson River is a thriving habitat for both plants and animals.


Which of these is an important idea express in the excerpt?

A. People must start working towards their goals at a young age to achieve their dreams.

B. Honesty and openness allow deep friendships to develop.

C. True understanding can take place only through quiet reflection.

D. Some people influence the lives of others by introducing them to new ideas.

What is D. Some people influence the lives of others by introducing them to new ideas.


What gets wet while drying?

What is a towel.


Read this situation and infer what you think the eight people are doing.

Eight people are carrying a large inflatable down the bank of a river. The water in the river is moving very fast. Each person buckles up their life preserver and puts on a helmet. They climb into the raft and paddle to catch the rapid current.

What is they are going white-water rafting.


Amy sprinted as fast as she could with her neighbors dog right behind her. Amy was terrified of him, and thought he would bite her. In reality the dog just wanted to play, and thought of Amy as a friend.

What point of view is this written in?

What is third person omniscient. 


In a play, the actors are the ones who perform on stage. Stage managers help run the stage lights during the play. Set designers make the sets and change the stage in between scenes. 

What is the main idea?

What is several people have to work together to create a play.


The setting is important to the plot because it is where the narrator---?

F. Realizes he is good at scientific investigation.

G. Can study with minimal interruptions.

H. Has interesting discussions with Jim.

J. Works with Jim to solve problems.

What is H. Has interesting discussions with Jim.


What has words but never speaks?

What is a book.