What is a ratio?
The relationship between two quantities
This dwarf planet is the furthest from the sun and is no longer considered a planet.
What is it called when 2 words mean the same thing
What is a synonym?
What continent do we live on?
North America
Who refused to move her seat on a Montgomery bus-this act started a movement (bus boycott, lawsuit against segregated public transportation!)
Rosa Parks
This is the most popular sport you play during break.
What do parallel lines mean
Lines that are next to each other and never intersect
What is the closest planet to the sun in our Solar system.
What does scalding mean?
Hot or scorching
What is the capital of Oregon?
Who said "I have a dream"?
What three values represent the Kellogg Middle School?
Healthy, Kind, and Learners
How can I find equivalent ratios?
Multiply or Divide by the same number
What are the TWO functions of the Respiratory system?
To bring oxygen into body and releases carbon dioxide
What does the vocabulary word "plummeting" mean?
To go down at a fast speed
What is the capital of California?
Where is Mount Everest located?
How many students were in the class on the first day?
23 (Foo)
1000 x 100=
What is one of the 7 body systems?
Excretory, Digestive, Muscular, Circulatory, Respiratory, Skeletal, Nervous
Define setting.
Setting is where an event takes place
What ocean is located next to California?
Who is the current president? 2025
Donald J. Trump
How many natural eye colors are there?
Six (golden/amber, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or red)
These use gravity to pull in all matter into its singularity
Black holes
What does the word "cascaded" mean?
To pour down or overflow
Name the continent thats lowest on a globe
Who was the first African American girl to go to school?
Ruby Bridges
Adult mouths have how many teeth?
How do you spell our principal's name?
Angie Saldana
What is a meteor, (be specific)
A meteor is a space rock that enters earth's atmosphere causing a streak of light to appear in the sky
What is the definition of a Noun?
What is a person place, thing or idea?
What mountainous volcano may erupt in California?
Mount Shasta
When is President's Day?
February 22
What is the function of the digestive system?
Changes food into energy and eliminates waste
What does PEMDAS stand for?
Parentheses, exponent, multiply/divide, add/subtract
What is the organ that regulates the insulin in your body?
Provide 3 adjectives.
(Various Answers)
What is one warning sign of a volcano erupting?
Small earthquakes
What president was in charge when slavery was abolished (put to an end)?
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
How long is the drive from Portland to Seattle in hours?
3 hours