Country Music
The Blues & The
Great Migration
The Blues & The
Great Migration Cont.
The Electric Guitar
The Electric Guitar Cont.

Name one main difference between Country music and Country Blues

What is musical style, subject matter, commercial success, influences, etc


This area of the United States saw the mass exodus of over 6 million African Americans between 1910-1970

What is the South


This major historical event is a marker of the end of slavery and the beginning of the sharecropping system

What is the Civil War


This kind of guitar came before the electric guitar

What is the acoustic guitar


The creation of louder guitars in the 20s and 30s led to the development of these genres of music (name one)

What is swing and big band jazz


The name of the family who was well known for singing close vocal harmonies. Johnny Cash's second wife was a part of this family.

What is the Carter Family


This industry was known for keeping the poor from escaping the cycle of poverty and gave landowners all of the power

What is sharecropping


This was the typical instrumentation of a Country Blues song

What is a vocalist and one instrument, usually guitar


This music craze was popular with the electric guitar in the 1930s

What is the Hawaiian Music Craze


Early rockers such as these two well-known stars made the electric guitar a part of their central sound (name both)

Who are Elvis Presley and Chuck berry


Name one of the sub genres of country music we identified yesterday (Hint: not Country Blues)

What is Western Swing or Honky-Tonk


Name one of the main cities those leaving the South during the Great Migration went to

What is Chicago, Detroit, pittsburgh, New York, Los Angeles, memphis, St. Louis, or New Orleans


This genre of music emerged from the Blues as it grew in popularity among white audiences

What is Rock and Roll


In 1950, this particular model of electric guitar became the first commercially available, mass-produced, and solid-bodied electric guitar

What is the Fender Esquire or Telecaster


Along with the Fender Telecaster, this guitar was also solid-body and very popular in the 40s and 50s

What is the Gibson Les Paul


Name one of the country artists who gave country a more "outlaw image"

Who is Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, or Willie Nelson


This musician was an integral part of the Chicago Blues movement and a pioneer of the electric guitar in blues music

Who is Muddy Waters


This band named themselves after one of Muddy Water's hit songs. They also had to chance to perform with him in 1981.

Who are The Rolling Stones


Along with Muddy Waters, this musician was a pioneer of the Country Blues and electric guitar in the 30s and 40s

Who is T-Bone Walker


This person played a Fender Stratocaster and was also a member of the Beatles

Who is George Harrison


This is the name of the era that marked a departure from the traditional twangy sound of 1930s and 40s country

What is the "Nashville Sound" era


This natural disaster was a large source of inspiration for Country Blues songs at the time

What is the Mississippi River Flood of 1927


Name one of the cities/towns we stopped in during our "road trip" of Mississippi

What is Yazoo City or Hillhouse


Psychedelic rock, glam metal, and funk rock all came from this era of the electric guitar

What are the 60s and 70s


Name one of the genres that was developed or revived in the early 2000s

What are garage rock/ post-punk (revival) or indie rock, pop punk and emo, or EDM (new)