You break a pencil
Small problem
A classmate starts yelling at another student since he or she thinks that person cheated at a game.
Big reaction, small problem
Your friend accuses you of cheating after he loses at Uno. What would be a matching reaction to the problem.
Saying "Oh well. Want to play again?"
You lose a game during recess
1) Wait and cool down
2) Go to another activity
3) Walk away and let it go
What is our school mascot?
Someone walked by and accidentally pushed you. You did not fall over and did not get hurt.
A friend shares that her parents are getting a divorce and she has been crying every day.
Big reaction, big problem
Your classmate is kicking your chair
1) Ignore it
2) Talk It Out
3) Tell them to stop
How many pets does Ms. Hobson have?
Two. A dog and a cat!
You have a family member who is very sick and is in the hospital
Your friend says she needs some space from you this week since you two had a disagreement. You give her some space and spend time with other friends.
Medium reaction, medium problem
You start crying after being reminded to stop shouting out. What can you do to calm down?
deep breathing
take a break
talk to an adult
A friend is mad at you that you decided to play with another friend during recess
You can solve the medium problem by:
1) talking it out
2) Use an "I" message
3) Wait and cool down
How many states are in the US?
A classmate is gossiping about you and it has happened one or two times. You have not tried talking with the classmate yet.
A friend shares that she feels so anxious because of her mom having surgery that she is not able to go to sleep or focus in school. She has not told anyone but you.
Big reaction, big problem
Your friend leaves you out so you tell everyone her secrets. What can you do?
Take responsibility
Talk to an adult
You do not want to be at school
1) positive thinking
2) Talk it out with a trusted adult
3) Focus on what you can control
What is the biggest mammal in the world?
Blue whale
Your group of friends are fighting this week and asking you to take sides.
A friend says mean things about another classmate since this person has been making faces at her in class.
Big reaction, small problem
Your brother drops his ice cream and starts screaming. What can he do to calm down?
drink water
deep breathing
positive thinking
Your best friend tells you to prank another classmate who has been annoying him or her. You are also friends with the classmate so you feel stuck in the middle.
1) Practice mindfulness to think through your choices
2) Use an "I" Message
Who was the first American president?
George Washington