The minimum number of times Friday the 13th will appear in a calendar year
Average number of times a month a full moon will occur
There are phases of the moon.
What is 8 phases?
Halloween is over (this many years) old
How do you know when the moon is going broke?
It's down to it's last quarter.
Maximum number of times Friday the 13th will occur in a year
September's full moon is called this, after the northern autumn equinox when crops are gathered
Harvest Moon
The next time a full moon will fall on Friday the 13th will be
During the 18th century, women would competitively bob for apples at parties because, according to the ritual, the winner would be the first to
Get married
Why couldn't the astronaut book a room on the Moon?
It was full.
Friday the 13th was the inspiration for one of the highest grossing film series starring this character
Jason Voorhees
The second full moon appearing in a calendar month is called this
Blue Moon
When the moon appears smaller by 14% and dimmer by 30% is known as?
Micro or mini moon
Americans spend, on average, this much on Halloween candy (as of 2018) - be within $5
How does the moon get it's hair cut?
Eclipse it.
Finland has dedicated one Friday the 13th a year to observe this day
National Accident Day (raise awareness about safety)
This full moon coincides with an especially close approach, and the lunar orb is slightly bigger and brighter than average
How many years does it take to see a solar eclipse?
375 years at the same location but otherwise every 3 years.
Jack O'Lanterns originated in Ireland, and were originally carved, not in pumpkins, but in these 3 vegetable (guess one)
Turnips, potatoes, and beets
What do you call a body of water on the moon?
Psychological term for people who fear Friday the 13th
Friggatriskaidekaphobia or paraskevidekatriaphobia
The moon drifts this number of centimeters away from the earth on an annual basis
3.8 cm (will accept within .5 cm)
Each year there are typically 12 full moons. Every 2.5 years or so a 13th full moon is observed within a calendar year. What is the name for the 13th moon?
Blue moon
The Michael Myers mask in Halloween was originally a mask of this actor, modified by spray painting it white and with bigger eye holes cut out
William Shatner
They apollo-gized.