Slavery and NYC
NYC and the American Revolution
The Erie Canal
Icebreaker Questions
Guess the Subway Line

True or false: NYC never participated in slavery



Who won the Battle of Brooklyn?

The British (although American troops successfully retreated)


Chloe was interested in the fact that the Erie Canal allows you to swim from NYC to ___



Today's icebreaker: who are you _____ for today?

Thankful for, appreciative of

  • Hard: This line runs the longest route in the entire system, spanning from the northernmost part of Manhattan to the far reaches of Queens.
  • Medium: It’s known for its express service, famously mentioned in a jazz classic by Duke Ellington.
  • Easy: If you’re headed to JFK Airport, you might just take this train to Howard Beach.

A train


True or false: The British introduced slavery to NYC, as the Dutch did not practice slavery



What did you call people who were loyal to the new U.S. government vs. those who were loyal to the British

Patriots vs. Loyalists or Tories


The Erie Canal connects which two bodies of water?

The Hudson River and Lake Erie


Last class's icebreaker: What's your favorite thing about ____ ?


  • Hard: It was the first NYC subway line to fully use CBTC (modern automated signaling).
  • Medium: It connects two major hipster neighborhoods, one in Brooklyn and one in Manhattan.
  • Easy: When it was partially shut down in 2019-2020, many commuters from Williamsburg were panicked.

The L train


In the early 1700s, what percentage of New Yorkers were enslaved Africans?

About 20%

A statue was famously torn down in the Bowling Green during the American Revolution. Who was the statue of?

King George III of England


How deep was the Erie Canal originally?

4 feet


Responses to this icebreaker included blimps and submarines

What's your favorite form of transportation

  • Hard: This line runs entirely local, stopping at every station from the Bronx to the tip of Manhattan.
  • Medium: The original subway line in 1904 included part of this train’s current route.
  • Easy: If you’re trying to reach Columbia University, you’ll probably take this train.

The 1 train


What eventually happened to the 400ish bodies of enslaved Africans that were dug up at the African Burial Ground

They were re-interred on the site of the museum.


Where were patriot prisoners of war brutally detained during the Revolution?

Prison ships


Which New York governor was instrumental in the building of the Erie Canal?

Dewitt Clinton


This icebreaker prompted Mr. Potter to generate an image of mac and cheese a la mode

What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?

  1. Hard: It’s the only major subway line in NYC that never enters Manhattan.
  2. Medium: This train connects Brooklyn and Queens directly, making it crucial for outer-borough travel.
  3. Easy: People joke that waiting for this train feels like forever because it doesn’t run as frequently as others.

The G train


Numerous enslaved people were executed after being blamed for what event in 1741?

A series of fires

Where was George Washington sworn in as president?

Federal Hall on Wall Street


How long did it take to build the Erie Canal?

8 years

This icebreaker questions prompted Anna to say that she'd like to get back into reading

What's a hobby you'd like to get into but don't currently do?

  • Hard: This line was extended in 2017 as part of a long-awaited subway expansion project.
  • Medium: It runs over the Manhattan Bridge, giving riders a great view of the skyline.
  • Easy: If you want to get to Coney Island, this train can take you straight to the boardwalk.

The Q train