Ryley's Zodiac sign.
This is Allison's zodiac sign.
What is Virgo?
Colin's Zodiac sign.
What is Aquarius?
Meredith's Zodiac sign.
What is Aries?
Sully's Zodiac sign.
What is Gemini?
Ryley's favorite singer.
Who is Cher?
Allison's dog.
Colin's favorite Christmas movie.
What is Arthur Christmas?
Meredith's boyfriend is named this.
Who is Gage?
The name of Sully's dog.
Who is Rusty?
Ryley's 10 minute play?
What is Won't You Shut Up, Sweet Charlotte?
The reason Allison didn't write a 10 minute play.
What is she's not in honors theatre?
Colin's 10 minute play.
What is Battle of the Teen Pop Stars (Inspired by Hannah Montana)?
Meredith's 10 minute play.
What is Spilt Milk?
Sully's 10 minute play from college?
What is We don't know, she won't tell us?
What is VERY quickly, with purpose, and with no regard for others?
What Allison does when she's nervous?
What is pacing?
The way Colin eats his pears.
What is slurps them?
Meredith's weakness.
What is her clinginess?
Sully's biggest flaw.
What is liking M*tthew M*rrison Grinch?
Ryley's first ON STAGE role.
What is Winnie the Pooh?
Allison's favorite body part.
What is Elbows (Specifically Ben Platt's)?
This was Colin's first musical.
What is The Little Mermaid?
Meredith played this role in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
What is SHE WASN'T IN IT(girl with palm leaf ig)
Sully's Birthday.
What is June 9th?