Has exes such as Andrew Cavanaugh
What is Nora S
Kate’s Dog
What is Via
This person plans to be a nurse
What is Nora
Our dear friend who sang in the stars
What is Flora
Drake Curler used to like her
What is Lily K
Has the name of another animal
What is Birdie
Oooo that sounded really bratty
What is Stella D and Kate R
This person participates in dance
What is Preesha and Brittany
She is favored by a controversial music teacher
What is Brittany
Known as baby ostrich
What is Cooper M
Sage’s dogs
What is Callie and Ivy
This person told Cooper M that she hopes next time he eats a tortilla chip, the pointy side goes down his throat
What is Stella D
Via’s lunchtime pet peeve
What is chewing loudly or being able to hear spit or saliva
Breaks into Via’s house to get Lucky Charms and Goldfish
What is Ellie T
Asked Ally to the dance over email
What is Beckett H
Via’s dog that passed away one year ago
What is Zeta
Whoa this chili is really zesty
What is Brittany
This person has a terrifying tournament tomorrow
What is Lucy
This person is has more than 2 siblings
What is Ally
Darrion used to fantasize about her
What is Kirra P
Someone’s goldfish
Big backkk
What is Via, Kate, Nora, Stella, Brittany, Ally
This person is forced to double with someone who says they “can’t feel pain”
What is Sage
Via got so big back that she broke this persons furniture
What is Anita