How did Zeidi and Shaheer find out that Sarah returned from Australia?
Zeidi ran into her at Walmart and he told Shaheer a week later
What brand of clothing does Jess embody the aesthetic of and also a place where she worked?
What is Zeidi's favourite soccer club?
What brand of teeth whitening strips does Hayleigh prefer?
Phillips Sonicare Zoom
Aurelion is a shade of what colour?
What did Sarah do for work for a short time in New Zealand?
Worked at a hostel
How many times has Zeidi successfully won his league across ALL fantasy sports?
What is Hayleigh's favourite snack?
What company was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports?
During her time in New Zealand, Sarah took a mini trip out of that country, where did she travel to?
What is the name of the company Jess works?
Deciem-The Abnormal Beauty Company
Other than the All Blacks, what is Zeidi's favourite rugby team?
What brand of clothing is Hayleigh particularly fond of?
Which is the only body part that is fully grown from birth?
For how long in months was Sarah not in Canada since graduating her undergraduate degree?
17 months
What was Jess's major during her undergraduate degree?
In the most popular sport amongst ages 20-45, what team does Zeidi support?
What is Hayleigh's Favourite Reality TV Show?
Love Island
Which is the only sea without any coastlines?
The Sargasso Sea
Which of Sarah's travelling friends left Shaheer on read when he asked for physiotherapy advice, also makes music?
What position in volleyball does Jess play (and which she is the second best at with everyone currently present)?
What is the name of the Toronto Esports Team that Zeidi worked closely with during his time at MLSE?
Raptors Uprising
What is Hayleigh's favourite niche interest?
What is the outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere called?