Which friend is not a virgin
What ex did Lauren date that ending up switching his sexuality shortly after
Jack Culler
What is Mary’s favorite condiment
What condition does Piper struggle with.
What city did the friends visit for the infamous senior skip day trip
Sandusky, OH
Name 3 prominent suiters in Carleigh past and present
Dallas, Owen, Evan, etc
What is the name of Carleigh’s past situationship (hint: Ella tried to set them up forever)
Owen Speith
What concoction does Ella create in her basement using chemistry
What is Allies middle name
What did hear while camping in Carleigh’s back yard
A monkey
What is the name of the man who sexually assaulted Lauren (Bonus points if you can name both of there ages at the time)
Osvaldo, 20-16
What guy did MULTIPLE of the friends talk to romantically
Lincoln Sparks
What is the name of pipers stuffed animal that she can’t sleep without
What is the name of Allie’s family member that Ella was in love with
Cory Bennet
What was Carleigh most worried about when she chipped her tooth at Lauren’s house
Senior Photos
Name 4/5 of the friends current love interests correct
Name 4/5 of the friends first boyfriends
Lincoln, Lincoln, Owen, Austin, ?
Who was Mary’s first boyfriend
Lincoln Sparks
What was the name of Lauren’s aggressive dog who had to be put down and what was his last meal
Gus; McDonalds
Pick one member of the group and name how they met each other member. (Not yourself)
Name 3 of the friends first kisses
Pick three friends and list all of their exes
What is the name of all the friends pets
Rip, Oscar, Gipsy, Rusty, Boogers, Idk Alli’s lowkey, Goldie? And idk the rest, Star, Luna, Mama, Apollo, I think that’s it?
Name the current major of each friend
Health science, ultrasound tech, nursing, Poli Science?, idk the rest
What toy of Lauren’s did Allie pop in grade school (hint: duke)
Wobble Bubble Ball