What is social support?
The help provided by family, friends, groups, or communities.
Provide an example of social support.
Ex. Hanging out with a friend when they're sad, playing games, listening to family members, etc.
How can Social Support improve physical health?
Ex. Relieves stress, takes away burdens/weights, improves energy, etc.
How can you attend to your existing relationships?
Ex. Reach out to friends and family, make them a priority even when life is busy, etc.
Take off my skin and I won’t cry, but you will, what am I?
An onion.
What is Emotional Support?
Help managing emotions, such as stress, anger or depression.
Provide an example of Emotional Support.
Ex. Listening to problems, showing empathy, etc.
How can Social Support improve feelings of security?
Ex. Being able to confide in someone about problems, having access to resources and information, etc.
How can your increase your community involvement?
Ex. Participate in hobby groups, volunteer, attend religious groups, etc.
I am always in front of you and never behind you. What am I?
The future
What is tangible support?
Help with practical problems.
Provide an example of Tangible Support.
Ex. Financial assistance, providing a ride etc.
How can Social Support improve self-esteem?
Ex. Feelings like you belong among others, feelings heard and acknowledged, etc.
What are some support groups you can use, and why?
Ex. Grief groups, substance abuse groups, anger management groups, etc.
What starts with an e but only has a single letter in it?
An envelope
What is Informational Support?
Providing information that helps to solve a problem.
Provide an example of informational support.
Ex. Giving advice, providing information, giving directions, etc.
How can Social Support improve mental well-being?
Ex. Being able to let out frustrations and receive advice or help from others can relieve stress from the mind and allow the individual to feel less burdened and more free.
How can you use professional support?
Ex. Make appointments with doctors, therapists, social workers, other professionals to help you to solve problems that are too difficult to take on alone.
When does Halloween come before Valentine’s day?
In the dictionary
What are social Needs?
Basic social needs that provide a feeling of security and contentment.
Provide an example of Social Needs.
Ex. Love, belonging, connectedness, etc.
How can Social Support increase life satisfaction?
Ex. Feelings of belongingness, less stress, more friends, etc.
Provide a new way to find social support
Ex. make new friends, open up to family members, etc.
Why did I go golfing with two pairs of pants on?
Just in case I get a hole in 1