Who is Caitlin's ex?
What is the user name of my spam Tik Tok account?
Name 3 items Jessica brings to lunch at least once a week.
Some sort of salad, a pb and j or nutella sandwich, a wrap, strawberries, nuts, A CHOCOLATE
What documentary did Katie recently watch?
Megan is Missing
What sports does Katie play?
Basketball and track
Does Jessica have a male in mind?
What is Emma's most recent tik tok?
30 second trailer
What diet is Caitlin on?
Keto losers
What is Katie's favorite horror movie?
What instruments does Emma play? All need to be included.
Piano, guitar, ukulele, harmonica
Who is Emma currently snapping(yes its a male)(no she isn't interested)?
Who does Jessica watch the most tik toks of?
What does Emma order on her subway sub?
Every veggie except black olives and jalapenos
Who's Netflix is Jessica on?
Name every sport that Caitlin has played throughout her life.
Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Track
Who is Katie's most recent love interest?
I honestly don't know
Maybe Evon still
What is Caitlin's most recent dancing Tik Tok on my main? Imitate it
see me do my dance...
What is one food we all know Katie DESPISESSSS
What is Emma's favorite show?
What color is Jessica's room?
How many men do I currently have a streak with?
A food that Emma does NOT like? besides meat
Cheese or baked beans the occasional cream cheese
What Netflix SHOWS is Caitlin currently watching? Hint there are 3 total.
Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Vampire Diaries
What type of dog does Jessica have(SPECIFICALLY)?
A blind, deaf, male, mixed poodle and white Eskimo.