This is the year Hayes graduated from Corvallis High School
What subject does Maddie teach?
The kind of tea Colton drinks most often.
Black tea (Yorkshire Gold)
Inspired by the classic novel, this 2005 film is one of Natalie’s comfort movies.
Pride and Prejudice
When Matt, Eli, Harrison, and Hayes all played the Dark Souls Board game, they were appalled to learn that the first boss was not one, but two of these monsters.
What year did Matt propose to Maddie?
This youth organization was where Colton made friendships which led to the creation of this greater friend group.
Boy Scouts of America
The Northern California town where Natalie grew up.
These prepsters are Hayes's favorite band of all time.
Vampire Weekend
Maddie Graduated from OSU with which two bachelor's degrees?
Early Education and Childhood Development
The name of the school Colton teaches at.
Lane Middle School
The international Disney park Natalie has visited.
!Daily Double!
What was Maddie's favorite role from a high school production?
Madame Arcati (Crazy Lady from Blithe Spirit is also acceptable)
This stone can be found in Minecraft and in the button inlays on Colton's trumpet.
Lapis Lazuli
What Natalie does for work.
Graphic Design and Social Media Management
This is Hayes's favorite game of all time
Maddie has owned this make and model of car twice in her lifetime.
Volkswagen Jetta
This 2006 JRPG was never released in the US but is regarded by many including Colton to be the greatest RPG of all time.
Mother 3
The Taylor Swift album that Natalie was given as a birthday gift and started her journey as a lifelong Swiftie.