Your classmate lost their book during school. What do you do?
Share, offer to help them find it...anything else?
Something you can do when you upset someone.
T _ _ S _
On a hot day you might...
Go to the pool, eat ice cream, etc.
Talk about someone "behind" this body part
talk behind their BACK
During lunch, a boy in your class drops his folder and his papers fall out. Everyone else walks away. What can you do?
Listen, talk to them, be with them etc.
K_ _ _ N _ S S
4th of July!
Having one of these and never being friends again
A big fight!
Something you can do when someone wants something that you have.
Something you can do when someone looks busy or has too many things to do
Help them!
Hot dogs and Hamburgers!
Telling people things that are not true
When adults in your house ask you to do stuff around the house.
You can ____________ with your friends when they feel lonely
spent time with, talk to, etc.
L _ _ A _ T _
I am something that can float on water, but big enough to hold hundreds of people
Cruise ship!
Taking something from your friends room or _________ from someone. Hint this is a crime!
When you donate your time to something, often a charity.
You can avoid conflict if you follow this "golden rule"
treat others how you would like to be treated
_ E _ _ _ C _ F _ L
Taking time to do something fun (can be going somewhere/traveling)....Summer __________
When you don't speak to someone...
ignoring them