Being a good friend
Indirect Messages
Social Thinking

Give someone a compliment

Answers may vary


Someone says, "It's Friday? I didn't notice," sarcastically. What does that mean?

I am so happy it's finally Friday


Your mom says, "Clean up your room." Is this a direct or indirect message?



When do we use social thinking?

All the time!

How would you respond to this message if you are interested in being friends with this person.

"Hey, I had a fun time at science bowl! We should check out the Science museum sometime if you're free"

Answers may vary. 

"Sure, I'd like to do that. Are you free this Saturday?"


You see a new student sitting alone at lunch. What could you say to include them?

Hey do you want to company/to sit with me during lunch?


Someone says, "So glad I overslept this morning," sarcastically. What does that mean?

I'm not happy that I overslept.


Your friend comes over to hang out in your living room and says, "It's so warm in here," What is the indirect request?

Could you open a window. Can you turn down the heat?


What are 2 examples of unexpected behaviors in school?

Answers may vary


You keep trying to make plans with Brian to hang out at your place, but he keeps telling you he is busy. What are two different interpretations of this?

Brian is actually busy

Brian does not want to hang out and is making excuses to avoid awkwardness


Your friend got a new pair of glasses and asks you, "What do you think?" You don't like the glasses style. What do you say?

They look good! Nice glasses! etc

Make a sarcastic comment to someone in the room about an upcoming test

Answers may vary


You are interested in convincing someone special to go to the football game Friday night. How can you indirectly ask them? 

Answers may vary, e.g. The football game this Friday looks like it's going to be so fun! Do you like football?


What are 2 examples of expected behaviors in Starbucks?

Answers may vary

How would you fix the tone of this text message to a boss?

"Hey man, I totes forget I had to work a shift this morning LOL. Sorry!"

Something along the lines of..."Good morning, I forget that I had a shift this morning. I can call someone else to get coverage. I'm very sorry this happened."

When is it ok to lie to a friend?

White lies can be ok if they protect a person's feelings. (e.g. Saying you like someone's food even if it's not your favorite). 


Someone says, "Mmm, broccoli... Everybody's favorite!" sarcastically. What does this mean?

Most people don't love broccoli.


You want your brother to clean up the video games on the floor before mom gets home. What is an indirect way to ask him?

It would be great if the floor was clear before mom gets here! Answers may vary but exclude a direct message such as telling your brother, "Clean up the video games before mom gets here."


What's the difference between a friend and an acquaintance? 

Friends are people we hang out with and talk to often, you may have specific interests in common. Acquaintances are someone who you know of, but don't know well. We may see them in class regularly but don't know too much about them. 


You want to hang out with your friend at the movies this weekend. What 3 pieces of information should you tell them?

Must include 3:

-The time

-The date

-The location

-The movie

-who will be there

-how you are getting there


Pretend that you and your friend used to hang out a lot in middle school and you had a lot in common with them at that time. Now you both are in high school and you notice your friend is spending more time with different friends and less time with you outside of school. You'd like to hang out more with your friend. Is this person still your friend?

Answers may vary


Define Sarcasm

Sarcasm is when we say the opposite of what we really mean.


Why do people use indirect language?

Speaking indirectly means we talk around it without actually saying what we want. We use this way because it comes across as more gentle.

What is a close friend?

Someone we’ve known for a long time, hang out often outside of school, and talk/text with many times a week. They may be people we trust with secrets. 


What are some differences between the ways we text friends versus how we text authority figures?

Answers can vary but must include 2 differences

e.g. friends we can use slang, jokes, emojis, informal language

authority figures we use complete sentences, politeness terms, no emojis