This famous Baseball player hit the longest verifiable home run distance of 175 meters.
Who is Babe Ruth?
The amount of ministries the Netherlands has.
What is the number 16?
Mogul skiing is a discipline of freestyle skiing, consisting of two ramps, and these obstacles, which are also known as "moguls".
What are bumps of higher snow?
Monster 1
What is fire?
Multiple children perish in a workplace accident. The owner of the factory doesn't care
What is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Olympic gymnasts are rated on a combination of these two scores.
What are difficulty and execution?
This is the first book in the universe created by Israeli–American author Leigh Bardugo, nicknamed the "Grishaverse"
What is Shadow And Bone?
The Dutch Formula 1 Grand Prix, held yearly from 1950, is held in this track.
What is Circuit Zandvoort?
Monster 2
What is psychic?
A teenager changes schools after receiving too much spam mail.
What is Harry Potter?
In 2010, Lady Gaga wore a controversial dress made entirely of this material to the MTV Video Music Awards.
What is raw beef?
Before creating The Death Gate Cycle, fantasy authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman created this D&D setting.
What is Dragonlance?
This is the author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, also known for the The Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogies.
Rick Riordan
Monster 3
What is poison?
A kid does his absolute best to ensure his parents hook up.
What is Back to the Future?
Transforming Jim Carrey into The Grinch took this gruellingly long time, nearly driving Jim to quitting the movie and using CIA torture endurance methods to cope.
What is 8.5 hours?
The bearer of Narya, the Ring of Fire, this Maia delights in creating fireworks to entertain others.
Who is Gandalf?
This is the name of an alternative gas blend in the tank of a diver, used to dive deeper than just atmospheric air would allow them.
What is Nitrox ∨ Trimix ∨ Heliox?
Monster 4
What is lightning?
Actor retires from his TV show.
What is the Truman Show?
This drag queen has the longest drag name in Drag Race herstory.
Who is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova?
Double points: Who is Nina Bonina Banana Fofana Osama Bin Laden Brown?
After Robert Jordan died, this author, who is known for creating The Stormlight Archive and popularising the distinction between "hard magic" and "soft magic" systems, finished the final book of the series in three volumes.
Who is Brandon Sanderson?
The Sorting Hat was imbued with the combined intelligence of these four prominent wizards in Hogwarts history to be able to sort new students to this day, long after their death.
Who are Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff?
Monster 5
What is poison?
An old man interrupts someone's dinner to ask them to go for a walk.
What is Lord of the Rings?