What is sams birthday
Nov 29
Whats her least fav flavor
Name all the sisters
Zara and Paige
Fav tv show
Yellow jackets
What is Amelias fav store
Aerie, Duh
(All self diagnosed) Mental disorder/disability does Sam have?
(All self diagnosed) ADHD,clinical depression,dementia,panic dissorder
how did henley bust her lip in first grade
fell off a chair, loser
Fav tv show
Mental disorder/disability does Nina have?
What sweater did amelia wear for 5 months straight in fifth grade
the green one with a fairy skeleton
What catchphrase did Sam spread to Mme Price
Mental disorder/disability does Henley have?
ADHD and dyslexia
Mental disorder/disability do the triplets have?
Adam Kent or Aaron Warner?
Aaron Warner, obviously
Who is amelias true love
Henleys brother
What is the name of Sams Little blond cousin (ho was at my birthday)
How old is henleys brother
What eye is sophias birthmark on?
Hardcover or softcover
Mental disorder/disability does Amelia have?
Anxiety, adhd
Is Sam happy?
Sometimes i dont wanna be happy, just leave me alone
What did henley scream while on the infinity swing at muskoka
she didnt go on the swing
How many scoops of hot chocolate powder des audrey use
3 large scoops
Fav music artist.
Alex g
What is Amelias deads dogs name