Animal Amigos
Brainy Buddies
Creative Companions
Friendship Facts
Pop Culture Pals

These animals sleep holding hands to avoid being swept away at sea.

What are “otters”?


A recent study suggests that close friends share about 1% percent of their ______, making them as close genetically as fourth cousins.

What is “DNA”?


The character ‘Rafiki’ is a wise guide and faithful friend to Simba in Disney’s Lion King. The word ‘rafiki’ also means ‘friend’ in this language.

What is “Swahili”?


According to a 10-year study by the Centre for Ageing at Flinders University, people aged over 70, but having ________________, tended to live 22% longer than those without.

What is “a strong network of friends”?


This iconic best friend duo is featured throughout the Toy Story movie series.

Who are “Woody & Buzz Lightyear”?


Of the following types of animals, this one does not mate for life: swans, seahorses, snakes, and scarlet macaws.

What are “snakes”?


According to a study by the University of Virginia, brain scans show that the brain activity of a person who is in__________, versus that when a friend is, is essentially the same.

What is “danger”?


Impressionist painters Paul Gauguin and ______________ met in 1887. The hit it off straight away, and soon after meeting, this painter invited Gauguin to stay with him in his house in Arles, France, in hopes of actualizing his dream of having his own artists’ collective. (Hint: Ear.)

Who is “Vincent van Gogh”?


Yikes! According to a recent study by LinkedIn, 68% of people born after 1980 would sacrifice a friendship for ___________.

What is “a promotion”?


These two mismatched Muppets share the longest-lasting friendship on TV today, enduring from 1969 - present. (Hint: They’re on a children’s TV show.)

Who are "Bert & Ernie"?


These birds use a form of sign language to communicate with their friends or partners. (Hint: Poe.)

What are “ravens”?


1 out of ______ friendships statistically last.

What is “12”? 

(1/12 = 8.33333%)


These two "fathers of fantasy" had one of the most famous author friendships of all time. They first met at Oxford, and bonded over mythology, language, and storytelling. (Hint: Narnia and Middle-earth.)

Who are “J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis”?


Knowing ____________ can make a friendship more stable and less frustrating, according to research by Dr. Charity Friesen of Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada.

What is “your friend's pet peeves/ what irritates your friend”?


Co-stars Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams met on the set of this hit HBO series back in 2011. They quickly became besties and soon were practically inseparable — Maisie was even Sophie's maid of honor when she married the Jonas Brothers' Joe Jonas in June 2019.

What is "Game of Thrones"?


These animals have been scientifically proven to make friends, not necessarily from their own species, forever. (Name one correct type of animal for full points.)

What are “whales, chimpanzees, baboons, horses, elephants, bats, hyenas, and dolphins”? (Any one of these counts for full points.)


This is the average number of friends a person makes in a lifetime.

What is “396?” (Award points for any answer between 385 - 405)


Anne Sexton and ____________ were two famous female friends. They weren't just two poets writing on similar themes: they took the same poetry classes. Both women studied at Boston University, where they would discuss writing and meet for martinis after their seminar with Robert Lowell. Both struggled with mental illness and both pushed back against the expectations for women at the time. They're often considered rival poets, but they clearly also found a kindred spirit in one another. 

(Hint: This female author famously wrote The Bell Jar.”)

Who is “Sylvia Plath”?


In the past 25 years, numerous scientific studies and reviews have shown us what, exactly, friends are for: they slash our risk of mortality in half, double our chances of recovering from depression, and make us 4.2 times less likely to succumb to______________.

What is “the common cold”?


This unlikely pair takes the stage together as enemies-turned-friends in the Broadway Musical, Wicked.

Who are “Elphaba and Glinda”?


Mutualism is the win-win form of symbiotic relationships (alliances between animals), with both partners benefiting. The following is an example: The Egyptian Plover aka “_______ Bird” will fly into the _________’s open mouth and feed upon the decomposing meat stuck between their teeth. The plover gets a not so scrumptious meal while the _______ gets a little free dental work! (Name this animal. Hint: Sharp teeth!)

What is “crocodile”?


According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar, human brains have a limit on how many meaningful relationships they can keep track of. Dunbar says most people can have up to: 5 intimate bonds: spouses, best friends, and so on; 15 close friends: people you trust and spend time with regularly; 50 friends: people you would invite to a personal event like a wedding or dinner; and ______ casual friends: people you would invite to a big party.

What is “150”? (Award points for anything between 145 - 155)


The Beatles, known also as the “Fab Four,” were the ultimate example of creative magic forged through friendship. The four members of the Beatles were ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________.

Who are “John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr”?


Healthy friendships improve your emotional intelligence. A powerful cocktail of ________, ________, and ________ (all your feel-good hormones) elevate your mood and optimize your hormonal response to stress.

What is “oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin”?


This dynamic duo joined forces to create a popular NBC sitcom that follows the lives of six friends living in Manhattan. The iconic series ran for a period of 10 years.

Who are “David Crane and Marta Kauffman”?