Making Friends
Friendship Skills

What is friendship?

  • Spending time together.
  • Sharing ideas and treats.
  • Having fun.
  • Respecting each other's differences.
  • Loyalty, sticking up for each other.
  • Caring for each other's safety and wellbeing.
  • Both of you working on the skills to keep your friendship going
How would you feel if you were left out of a game
sad mad
How do you join a group
Walk up to them and when they are done talking ask if you can play
Show how you introduce yourself
Hi My name is__________ what is your name
What feelings make you cry
sad, scary, joy

True or False: If you buy someone a gift or give them money, they will automatically like you and want to be your friend.


How would you feel if you raised your hand for a long time and the teacher did not call on you
Angry frustrated
You and your friend want to play checkers, but you both want the black checkers, what is the best solution
Find something else to do or flip a coin for the black checker

Show how to ask someone to join in their game

Can I play with you

What does it mean if you have butterflies in your stomach

True or false: For someone to be your friend, you need to talk to them every day.



If you are angry what should you do if you are at work?

Take 3 deep breaths

talk to your job coach or supervisor 

go to a quiet space/break room


What should you do if someone trips and falls?

Ask if they are ok, help them up, do not laugh

Show how to join a group of people that are talking
Wait until there is a pause or say excuse me

What feelings make you clench your muscles

frustrated, irritated, annoyed, mad, angry, furious


How can you be a good friend?

Show respect, play nicely, share, have fun together, listen, treat others the way you want to be treated


You came to PREP thinking that you were going to work.  You find out that you are not going.  How do you show self-control?

Take a break.  

Share with someone your feelings of being disappointed.  

Ask what you will do instead.


If you are having an argument at PREP should you try to fix the problem yourself or tell a staff person right away

Try to fix the problem yourself first and then if you cannot tell a staff


What is a positive way to get attention from your friends

act nicely towards your friends


Show how to stay calm when you are angry

Deep breaths, walk away, use positive self talk

Someone you talk to sometimes wants you to let them borrow $50 and he'll give you $60 back when he has the money. You ask your mom for $50 and say it's for a game. Why is this wrong?

Be careful lending money, friends don't like you just for money, $50 is a lot of money, lied to mom


You are at work and your co-workers are not doing what they are supposed to.  They are taking a break rather than stocking shelves.  What happens if you get upset at them and start to yell?

People will see that you get angry and they might complain to the boss.  You might be in as much trouble as your co-workers for not doing what you should be doing.


What should you do if a friend is texting you over and over again after you have asked them to stop?

You can block them

You can tell your parent/supervisor

Ignore their texting

How do you know if someone is your friend
They talk to you ask you to play and are nice to you
Show how to say no when someone offers you something
No thank you