Do's & Don't's

True or False: You can have a friendship with a stranger.

False - You can interact with strangers, but you need a real connection with somebody in order to build a true friendship with them!

True or False: Reciprocity involves only taking from other people.
False: Reciprocity, by definition, always involves an equal exchange of things between 2 friends.

True or False: You should only compromise with someone if you can get everything you want.

False: Sometimes it's necessary to compromise and 'meet in the middle' with someone, otherwise they might just stop speaking with you altogether - and then no solution will be reached!

True or False: When you make a mistake, you should honestly admit to having done it and apologize for it, if necessary.
True - If you do then people will know you take responsibility for your actions, and they will then trust you more because you're honest and show that you learn from your mistakes.
True or False: There's nothing wrong with being too polite.
True - While not everyone cares about politeness, it will impress those who do, and it's better to get into the habit of being polite for those cases where it really does matter (job interview, anyone?).

The secrets shared between friends should stay between the friends, unless someone is in danger. 

True. It is important to be trustworthy, however, if your friend tells you something that may end in harm or danger, you should tell a trusted adult. 

Thoughtfulness requires that you are A) an active listener or B) only ever thinking about yourself?
A) An active listener - You must pay attention to what other people have to say in order to be thoughtful towards them later on.
A true friend will A) try to convince you to do something you don't want, or B) be sensitive to your wants and needs.
B) Be sensitive to your wants and needs - A true friend should make you feel comfortable when you hang out, not make you feel pressured to do things you aren't sure about.

When first becoming friends with someone, you should share A) your likes, dislikes, goals, etc., or B) you or your family's personal information.

A) Your likes, dislikes, goals, etc. - Even friends shouldn't normally know private information that doesn't effect them, but they should be able to get to know your personality and passions.

Despite what some people say, manners A) really don't matter anymore, or B) can still go a long way to help you make new friends.
B) Still go a long way in making new friends - More people than not won't want to be around you if you're rude, so your chances of meeting cool new friends are way higher if you just put a little effort into minding your manners.

With which of the following types of people can we become friends with? A) Acquaintances B) Family C) Teammates D) All of the above

D) All of the above - You can form a strong connection and become friends with any of these types of people, given the right circumstances.


Which of the below qualities does this phrase match? "Don't be a doormat!" A) Assertion B) Trust C) Approachability D) Compromise

A) Assertion - The phrase means that you shouldn't let other people always take advantage of your good will.

When somebody says the same thing over and over again, but doesn't really mean it, we can say that they're like the: A) Boy who cried foul B) Boy who cried wolf C) Girl who cried wolf D) Girl who cried foul
B) Boy who cried wolf - Think what you want of the saying, but we didn't make it up, now we just use it when we can!
Which of these is an example of bad hygiene? A) Taking a shower B) Washing your hands C) Never brushing your teeth D) Putting on deordorant
C) Never brushing your teeth - If you didn't, you would have to see the dentist pretty darn soon, and I doubt pretty would be the right word for it!
Which of the following is NOT bad manners: A) Making loud noises B) Burping C) Sharing with others D) Hitting someone
C) Sharing with others - Sharing is caring, after all.

___________ is the word used to describe a simple and clear way of letting others know what you are and are not okay with. 



Talking to one another to reach a mutual goal is also known as _________.

Compromise - It can also mean the process by which two persons reach an agreement about something usually in the middle. 

When we feel like we can't _____ somebody, we start not to believe what they say, and come to not rely on what they do either.
Trust - Once that's broken, it can be hard to repair a friendship, unless that person really tries to make up for it!
If you have a ________ that you really enjoy doing, you can probably guess that there are others out there who share that enjoyment, and they could potentially start a friendship with you based on that.
Hobby, interest, pastime, passion, etc. - any of these answers will work!
While it's important to have a sense of ______, you should be careful not to make too mean of jokes, or laugh at something insensitive directed towards someone else.
Humour - But the better of a friend you are with somebody, the more you should be able to laugh with and sometimes even at each other.

Name two different reasons why friendship is important.

Any combination of the following: Sense of belonging; Less stress, more happiness; Improved self-worth; Helps you cope with bad events; or Encourages good behaviours.


What are the 'magic words' that are normally a very important part of taking responsibility for an action?

I'm sorry! or I apologize!

Explain why good hygiene is important, even if you don't feel like you have a lot of friends.
Basically, because even strangers will notice if you have bad hygiene and react negatively to you, and you never know when one of those strangers might want to offer you a job or have to sit next to you in class.
When you get a gift or present for a friend, why is it important to give them something that is related to their likes or interests?
In a nutshell, because that way you show that you were really thinking about them and paid attention to what they said they like - it's not always just the thought that counts, if it seems thoughtless!

Describe an example of how practicing good manners could help you with a goal you want to achieve.

The right answer here is up to the discretion of the facilitator, so good luck!