Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2 & 1

What's level 6? 



What is the name of level 5.



What is a level 4 friendship.

Possible Friendship


What is the name for a level 3 friend.

Evolving Friends


What is the name of a level 2 friendship.

Bonded Friend


How to use a friendly greeting?

You might not say anything. You may make eye contact and just smile or nod. This may happen with someone you do not know at all; a stranger.


What is a level 5 friendship?

Someone you happen upon and then you start to talk to them.


Who is a possible friend?

This person sits next to you in science class. You ask him if he would like to play basketball during recess.

or etc...


What is something to do with an evolving friend?

You decide to make an effort to meet up with your friend from science class at the mall.


What is a bonded friend.

You make a strong effort to see this person. To spend time with them on the weekends, after school, etc.


Who you use a friendly greeting with?

Someone you may pass by in the hallway at school, on the street or in a store for example.

Answer may vary. 


What is small talk?

asking questions and giving short responses about topics that most people are comfortable discussing. It never involves very serious topics or discussions.


Someone who is not a possible friend.

You only played online games but have never seen this person in real life situations. This person says he lives in Ireland.


Who is someone that is not an evolving friend.

You've asked this person in your class five times if they want to come over to your house on the weekend and they always have an excuse.


What is level 1?

Close friends


Who I should not use a friendly greeting with.

Scary or suspicious people.


What are small talk topics?

the weather, a movie you saw, food, etc.


What are things to do with a possible friend.

You meet them in school, at work or in the community for lunch or to hang out. You may begin to face book them, or play an online game with them.


What is meeting up with an evolving friend.

This is a mutual effort because you both want to see each other and you both benefit from the meeting.


What are close friends?

This is the level where you share dreams, worries, frustrations, etc. Someone who is there for you!