Qualities of a Good Friend
Things that Can Hurt a Friendship
Fix it!
True or False?

Name 3 qualities you look for in a good friend. 

(answers will vary)

Spreading _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Rumors, gossip, lies

What skills can help you solve a problem with a friend? 

Listen, stay calm, open to compromise, communicate, work together, ask for help when necessary


 Telling another person how THEY are feeling is a good way to solve a problem? 

FALSE! Why? 


How can you show someone that you are listening? 

Eye contact, leaning in, nodding


What qualities show that someone is NOT being a good friend.

Gossip, peer pressure, untrustworthy, etc. 

(answers will vary)


Only talking about your own....

Problems, interests, feelings, etc


You are joking around with a friend when you notice they seem to be upset. You didn't mean to hurt their feelings, but you did. What can you do? 

Apologize, talk about it


If someone is disrespecting me, it doesn't matter how I behave. 

False. Why? 


What body language shows you that someone is bored? 

Yawning, looking away, chin in hand, etc. 


What does it mean to be loyal to your friend? 

Being there for them, trustworthy, etc. 


How can judging someone hurt your friendship with them?

Makes them less likely to open up to you, they may feel hurt or embarrassed, etc. 


You heard a negative rumor about someone in your grade. What do you do? 

(answers will vary) 


To show empathy to a friend, you have to be able to solve your friend's problems. 

False. Why? 


If someone asks about your weekend, what is a good way to respond? 

Answer the question, then ask about their weekend. 


Tell us about one of your friends. What makes them a good friend to you. 

(answers will vary)


Not standing up for your friend when they are being B_L_I_D

Bullied. Why? 


Your friends made a private instagram account that makes fun of other students in your grade. You don't want to lose your friends, but you don't agree with what they are doing. What can you do? 

Report the page, talk to an adult, explain to your friends that what they are doing is mean, etc 


It is important to stay on topic during a conversation with a friend. 

True! Why? 


You ask a friend to hangout this weekend, but your friend says that they have plans with someone else. You feel hurt. What can you do? 

Make plans for another day, see if you can join them, find someone else to hangout with, etc. 


Name 2 qualities that you have that make you a good friend. 

(answers will vary)


Name a "friendship breaker." What is something a friend does that makes you realize they are not a good friend? 

Answers will vary. 


Tell about a time that you solved a problem with a friend successfully. 

(answers will vary) 


Cyberbullying is as bad as physical bullying. 

True. Have you had any experience with cyberbullying? What can you do? 


The group of friends you normally eat lunch with sits at different table today without telling you. Nobody invites you to join them at the new table. What do you do? 

Ask them what is going on, see if you can join them, find someone else to eat lunch with, etc.