Making Friends
Conversation Skills
What to Avoid
Being a Good Friend

What is an example of a way that you can start a conversation with someone?

"Hi, how are you?"


When you are having a conversation, you should ask questions and make comments that are _____



When having a conversation, you should try to avoid distractions like...

Your phone, the tv, the computer, other things going on around you, and even unrelated thoughts like what you are going to say next-- You should be paying attention to what the other person is saying, as well as their body language and tone


If someone is being "mean" to your friend, you should _____ for them (hint: it's two words)

Stand up


What is an example of a question that you can ask to get to know someone?

"What do you like to do for fun?"


When you are having a conversation, you and the other person should ______ talking (hint: it's two words)

Take turns


Even if you don't agree with what the other person is saying, you should try to avoid...

Judging them or forming opinions until you fully understand their perspective-- You should try to understand their point of view without interrupting and giving your own


If your friend is going through a tough time, you should offer them _____

Support-- be there for them to talk to and spend time with


What is an example of a way that you can make friends? (hint: think of places you might meet friends)

Talk to people at school, talk to people at church, volunteer, join a sport/activity that you like, join girl scouts/boy scouts, go to a nearby park and play with other kids there


How can you show someone that you are listening to them when they are talking? 

Make eye contact, face your body towards them, nod your head, smile, say things like "mmhmm"/"uh-huh", "that's interesting", "that makes sense", "I understand"


If you are mad at a friend, you should avoid...

Yelling/screaming, hitting/pushing/kicking, name-calling-- Instead you should talk to them about the problem using an "I" statement


A friend should be able to _____ you and you should be able to _____ them as well (same word for both blanks)

Trust-- this means keeping things private if they don't want other people to know, not lying, and saying and doing what you say you will


What is an example of something that you can ask someone to do with you if you would like to be friends with them?

Play a board game/card game, play an online game, play a sport, watch a movie, go to the park


What kind of questions can you ask to keep the conversation going?

Open-ended questions (ex: "What is it like to ___?", "How did you feel when ___?", "Can you tell me more about ___?", "How do you ___?", "What do you like about ___?", "What are your thoughts about ___?")


You should try to avoid "bossing" friends around and instead...

Compromise and find a solution that works for both of you, take turns picking what activity to do, take turns going first for a game/activity


A good friend remembers important dates like _____

A friend's birthday


What does it mean to use a reflection during conversation? 

To summarize what the other person said (and is feeling) in your own words to let them know that you were listening and understood what they were saying 

Ex: "I am trying out for the soccer team tomorrow and I am so nervous."

"That does sound really scary not knowing if you'll make the team or not."


You should try to avoid "showing off" or _____ about yourself or the things you have



In order to keep friends, you should _____ with them (hint: it's three words)

Keep in touch