TV Shows
Buddy or Bully
Friendship in the Cafeteria

Who is SpongeBob's best friend?



You should only be friends with those who live in a big house.

FALSE We know that the character traits or the personal qualities that make each person unique are what is most important! Not how much they have!


You tell someone who trusts you and often listens to you, to yell out a funny word when you are supposed to be quiet. You are being a... (buddy or bully)



The follow is not an example of friendliness in the cafeteria A) Include others in conversation B) Talk loudly and interrupt your peers C) Ask the people around you about their day. D) None of the above

B) Talk loudly and interrupt your peers


In the show The Rugrats, who is Chuckie's best friend?



Friends should be good listeners.

True Doesn't it feel great to have a friend actively listen to what we are telling them? This means they are giving good eye contact, nodding, or making comments connected to what you are saying.


You see someone sitting by themselves other kids are laughing and looking at them. When you think about it, you are concerned that they were being teased. You tell a Teacher. You are being a buddy or bully...



Your table is getting ready to be dismissed for lunch and you notice that there is a lot of garbage on the floor and on the table. You should... a. Leave it there because someone else will clean it up. b. Ask everyone at your table to help pick something up to throw away. c. Eat it because you are still hungry.

What is B. Ask everyone at your table to help pick something up to throw away.


Who is Batman's best friend?



A good friend only includes you in the things that they do, and never anyone else.

False It's important to be kind and respectful to everyone. If someone is interested in a game we are playing at recess, that is a compliment! Healthy friendships involve talking and playing with other kids, not just with each other.


Your friend tells you that they asked another student over for a playdate and are going to leave you out on purpose. They are being a... (buddy or bully)

Bully -Be a Buddy, not a Bully!


You're eating lunch with your friends and one of them calls you bossy. That makes you feel sad. What should you do? a) Throw something at them. b) Get mad at them. c) Use an I-statement to tell them that hurt your feelings.

c) Use an I-statement to tell them that hurt your feelings. "When you call me bossy, that hurts my feelings. Is there something I did that made you feel that way? If so, please tell me instead of calling me names."


Scooby Doo and Shaggy are best friends. What do they have in common?

They both love food!


A good friend should always agree with what I say.



What should you do if a friend is being a bully. a) Ignore it. b) Report it to a responsible adult. c) Join them in bullying the other kid.

b) Report it to a responsible adult. Be a Buddy, not a Bully!


What are two ways that you can show kindness and be friendly to others in the lunchroom?

Acceptable answers: Clean up after myself, Follow the lunchroom expectations, interact appropriately with peers 


Name 3 of Mickey's friends:

-Donald Duck

-Daisy Duck

-Minnie mouse 




A good friend should always keep your secrets...even if it's hurtful.

False. It depends on the size of the problem. IF your secret is a big problem and you might need help, then your friend would be acting in good conscience if they urged you to talk to an adult, or if they talked to an adult on your behalf. If your secret is a small problem but perhaps something unkind you've said, then it may be best for your friend to keep it to themselves. Remember, before you pass it on... THINK: Is it TRUE Is it HELPFUL Is it IMPORTANT Is it NECESSARY Is it KIND? If not, keep it to yourself.


What should you do if your friend is mad at you and talking about you negatively? a) Gossip about them. b) Confront them and ask them to stop. c) Go online and post something mean about them.

b) Confront them and ask them to stop. Be a Buddy, not a Bully!


When someone spills something or drops their tray you should:

A. Laugh and point

B. Ignore them

C. Help them clean up 

C. Help them clean up