How to be a friend
Do's and Dont's

What is a boundary? 

A boundary is a limit that you don't want someone to pass. 


True of False - A good friend is trustworthy. 

True! A trustworthy friend is someone you can depend on. 


True or False: You should only negotiate with someone if you can get everything you want.

False: Sometimes it's necessary to compromise and 'meet in the middle' with someone, otherwise they might just stop negotiating with you altogether - and then you won't get anything you want!


True or False: When you make a mistake, you should honestly admit to having done it and apologize for it, if necessary.

True - If you do then people will know you take responsibility for your actions, and they will then trust you more because you're honest and show that you learn from your mistakes.


True or False: There's nothing wrong with being too polite.

True - While not everyone cares about politeness, it will impress those who do, and it's better to get into the habit of being polite.


When do you want to set a boundary? 

You can set a boundary when someone is being unkind or disrespectful of you.


Thoughtfulness requires that you are:

A. an active listener

B. Only thinking about yourself

An active listener! You must pay attention to what other people have to say in order to be thoughtful towards them later on. 


How can you be a good friend during group activities or games?

Make sure people feel included, take turns, share, be fair, be positive, cheer someone on, etc. 


When first becoming friends with someone, you should share 

A) your likes and dislikes or 

B) your secrets.

A) Your likes, dislikes, goals, etc. - Even friends shouldn't normally know private information that doesn't effect them, but they should be able to get to know your personality and passions.


Despite what some people say, manners 

A) really don't matter anymore or 

B) can still go a long way to help you make new friends

B) Still go a long way in making new friends - People don't like being around rude people, so your chances of meeting cool new friends are way higher if you just put a little effort into minding your manners.


What is a good friend? 

A good friend is kind, helpful, honest, and lets you be yourself! 


What does it mean to be respectful to friends and others?

By being a good listener, respecting differences, accepting others for who they are, using polite language, being honest, showing empathy

A true friend will 

A) try to convince you to do something you don't want or 

B) be sensitive to your wants and needs.

B) Be sensitive to your wants and needs - A true friend should make you feel comfortable when you hang out, not make you feel pressured to do things you aren't sure about.


Which of these is an example of being a bad friend? 

A) Including everyone in your games 

B) Setting a boundary

C) Telling a friend bad things about another person so that they will like you better than the other person.

C) Telling a friend bad things about someone so that they will like you better than the other person.


Which of the following is NOT bad manners: 

A) trash-talking someone in the group 

B) lying to make yourself look better

C) sharing with others

C) Sharing with others - Sharing is caring, after all.


True or False - Is setting a boundary mean? 

False! Setting a boundary is not mean and allows others to know how you want to be treated. 


True or False - Compromise is never a good solution. Only think about yourself.

False - Sometimes it is okay for both people to get some of what they want in order for them to get along. Compromise isn't a good solution if it means letting someone violate your boundaries. 


True or False: When we feel like we can't trust somebody, we sometimes can't believe what they say.

True! Always tell the truth, even if it's hard.


True or False: If you have a hobby that you really enjoy doing, you can probably guess that there are others out there who feel the same, and you could potentially start a friendship.

True! Sharing the same interests is a great way to start a friendship.


True or False: It's important to have a sense of humor, but you should be careful not to make fun of someone or tell mean of jokes.

True - Never have fun at someone else's expense. Others will not trust you, and they may think that you will make fun of them.


Give an example of what setting a boundary might sound like. 

"I am not okay with doing that so please respect that."


What are the 'magic words' that are a very important part of taking responsibility for making a mistake?

I'm sorry!


How can you tell if someone is a good friend?

He or she is trustworthy, compromises, and always wants to do what is best for you.


When you get a gift or present for a friend, why is it important to give them something that is related to their likes or interests and not just yours?

That will show that you were really thinking about them and paid attention to what they said they like.


Name 2 examples of having good manners.

Saying "please and thank you", asking others to join you, opening the door for someone...

There are lots of good examples!