What type of friend are they?
What type of friend are they? part 2
Types of friendships

you dont go to the same school but talk or text each other most days, you visit each other very often on weekends, like a lot of the same things, and you always share how you're feeling if something is bothering you

Best friend


The kid you see on the playground during recess but dont know their know or have ever talked to them



What is a best friend?

These are friends that hang out frequently (very often), they are usually in the same group of friends and spend a lot of time together in and out of school


you always play with this kid when you go to the park about twice a month, you know his name and you think he's pretty fun to play with, but you dont ever see or talk to him outside of your park visits

Casual friends


you guys play baseball most days at recess together with a lot of other kids, you know his name and have good conversations with him when he's on your team, but you guys are not on the same time that often and dont see or talk to each when not playing baseball

Casual friends


What is a regular friend?

these are friends that hand out in the same social circle (group of friends), they may go to the same parties, get-togethers, play the same games at recess, hang out at lunch time, and spend time outisde of school or work


two kids who live on your street, you play together at school and outside of your house together as a group pretty often as a part of a group, but you dont talk to them every day and have never talked about things too personal

Regular friends


A kid who you know pretty good, spend time with outside of school sometimes when you're hanging out with a group of friends, and do a lot of the same stuff together as a part of a group?

Regular friend


What is a casual friend?

These are people that know each other by name and interact sporadically (every once in a while, kind of randomly), but do not spend a lot of time together


a kid in your class who you see almost every day but you have never talked to him



A person who you talk to every day, talk on the phone very often, are comfortable sharing your feelings and personal information with

Best friend


What is an acquaintance? 

these are people that may know each other by name, but do not know each other well and do not usually spend time or talk outside of school or work