Feelings and Character
Gossip and Rumors
What would You Do?

What are ways I can show I am being a good friend?

Listen to them, be there to support them, help them make good choices, don't spread their secrets. Anything else?


Sometimes it is tempting to repeat a rumor or something you heard. What can happen if you repeat a rumor?

You can hurt other people, you are now gossiping, you are now part of the problem, you are making the problem bigger, you are being unkind to another person.


What is the definition of a conflict?

Two people have equal power, it might be accidental, the argument is two-sided, it's usually a one-time thing.


True or False:

Gossip and Rumors are most often true



You saw two people whispering and looking towards you and you think you heard them say your name

You should:

1. Ask later why they were talking about you

2. Tell the teacher

3. Tell your friends they were talking about you behind your back

4. Ignore it

1, 2, 4


What is the definition of a friendship?

You often share something in common, they’re people you can trust, they’re people you feel comfortable being with, they’re people you have experience with across time, requires mutual agreement; both people have to agree to be friends with each other.


If you stick up for someone who is being bullied, what are the positive things someone might say/think about you?

They might say that you are honest, helpful, a good friend, and "upstander", trustworthy, kind, dependable. 


What is the definition of bullying?

imbalance of power, purposeful, repeated over time, threat of harm (physical or emotional), no remorse, power imbalance, no effort to solve the problem.

True or False: Sometimes gossip and rumors grow and change as people spread them



You witness a bad/unsafe behavior from another student. 

You should:

1. Take part of the conversation about the bad choices she made

2. Ask the teacher what happened

3. Ignore everyone and do your work/ encourage students to stop talking about it



True/false: if your friend doesn't like someone, that means you shouldn't like that person either. 



How might someone feel if their friends excludes or ignores them?

LEFT OUT, sad, lonely


What is an example of social bullying?

spreading rumors, telling others not to friend someone, trying to ruin someone's reputation, ignoring someone on purpose in a group setting. 


When someone tries to "get back" at someone for spreading rumors or gossip they are trying to get ______ ?



Someone was crying in class today 

You should:

1. Ask them at lunch if they are okay and if they need anything?

2. Tell the people at your table in art class about it

3. Text people about it when you get home 



What should you do if you and a friend have a conflict?

Talk to an adult, talk to the other person, remain calm, understand the other persons' perspective 


Name two good things to do or say when you feel angry or upset.

Walk away, take deep breaths, listen to calming music, read a book, talk to a friend or family member, journal or relax your body.


What is an example of emotional bullying? 

Name calling, insults, intimidation, negative remarks, other verbal/emotional abuse. 


Gossip and Rumors can often happen online using what kind of communication?

Texting, messenger, discord, other social media & Face Time 


You hear someone speaking negatively about someone else in your family.

You should:

1. Get mad and start yelling at them

2. Ignore and walk or way/ Kindly ask them to stop

3. Start saying mean things about their family



How can you support a friend who is upset without fighting their battles or making the problem bigger?

Listen to them, be there for them, try to give them good advice (ex:talk to an adult, ignore the problem, etc.) 


When you become jealous of someone, what can happen to your friendship?

Competition, arguments, rumors, conflict, hurt feelings


What are the four types of bullying?

Physical, emotional, social, cyber. 


If you are caught making or spreading rumors what is the best thing you can do?




Stop doing it!


A new student is very quiet and no one knows anything about her. People start saying really crazy and mean things about her.

You should:

1. Add your own crazy things to the story

2 Tell the girls that everyone is talking about her

3. Try to get to know her at lunch and ignore what others are saying