Gothic Literature
Nuts and Bolts of Frankenstein
Romanticism Without Romance
Rules, Rulers, and Writers in England in the 1800s
19th Century England

This 1818 novel by Mary Shelley features a scientist who creates a living being, only to be horrified by the results.

What is Frankenstein?


Ghosts, monsters, and otherworldly beings are common, often symbolizing internal fears or societal anxieties

What is the supernatural?


Emphasis on emotion and imagination

What is the focus of Romanticism? 


This queen ruled England for 63 years, overseeing a period of industrial expansion and empire-building.

Who is Queen Victoria?


This Victorian author wrote Pride and Prejudice and is known for her portrayal of 19th-century English society.

Who is Jane Austen?


This 1764 novel by Horace Walpole is often considered the first Gothic novel, with its blend of supernatural elements and medieval settings.

What is The Castle of Otranto?


A sense of awe and terror, often evoked by nature or grandiose settings.

What is the sublime


This poet is known for his poems “Ode to the West Wind” and “Ozymandias."

Who is Percy Bysshe Shelley?


This significant shift in manufacturing and industry began in England in the late 18th century and continued into the 1800s.

What is the Industrial Revolution?


This 19th-century act, passed in 1833, marked a major step toward abolishing child labor in British factories.

What is the Factory Act of 1833?


Gothic literature often takes place in these types of locations, which are huge, dark, gothic architectural elements and filled with mystery.

What are castles?


Characters often face isolation, leading to mental and emotional breakdowns.

What are Isolation and Madness:


This famous novel by Mary Shelley is considered both a work of the Romantic period and an early example of science fiction.

What is Frankenstein?


This Charles Dickens novel, first published in 1837, follows the life of an orphan who famously asked for more food.

What is Oliver Twist?


This engineering feat, completed in 1825, was the world’s first public railway to use steam locomotives.

What is the Stockton and Darlington Railway?


In gothic literature, this literary term focuses on mystery, suspense, and the psychological effects of fear.

What is Plot?


The Creature in Frankenstein is not inherently evil, but becomes vengeful after facing rejection and isolation, exploring this key theme of the novel.

What is alienation or the effects of isolation?


This Romantic poet wrote “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,” celebrating the beauty of nature.

Who is William Wordsworth?


In 1859, this English naturalist published On the Origin of Species, presenting the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Who is Charles Darwin?


This 19th-century act passed in 1833, marked a major step toward abolishing child labor in British factories.

What is the Factory Act of 1833?


This American author, known for his tales of madness and the macabre, wrote The Fall of the House of Usher and The Tell-Tale Heart.

Who is Edgar Allan Poe?


 This scientist becomes obsessed with creating life and is horrified by his own creation.

Who is Victor Frankenstein?


Romantic poets often rejected this intellectual movement, which focused on reason, science, and progress.

What is the Enlightenment?


This movement sought to give working-class men the right to vote and led to the passing of the Reform Act of 1832.

What is the Chartist Movement?


This country became known as "the jewel in the crown" of the British Empire in the 19th century due to its wealth and resources.

What is India?