To give a knock or kick to.........from this sentence: "Lincoln Elementary needed a good jolt once in a while, and Nick was just the guy to deliver it."
What is the adjective in this sentence: "But even the juicy watermelon for dessert didn't cheer him up much."
Nick decided to turn Miss Deaver's room into a tropical island. So first he got everyone to make small one of these out of green and brown construction paper and tape them onto the corners of each desk.
palm trees
There are two pronouns in this paragraph. Name ONE: "Unfortunately, so did Mrs. Granger. She hesitated a moment, and gave Nick a smile that was just a little too sweet to be real. Her eyes were the color of a thundercloud."
she or her
What grade did Mrs. Granger teach?
5th grade
Having a clever and original this sentence: "Miss Deaver was surprised again at just how creative her students could be."
What is the verb in this sentence: "He liked words a lot, and he was good at using them."
The day after that Nick turned the classroom what up to about ninety degrees with a little screwdriver he had brought from home. What is the device that controls temperature?
What is the pronoun in this sentence: "He slammed the dictionary shut and walked downstairs."
What is the one thing Mrs. Granger loved, almost worshipped it?
To make a sudden movement toward......the word is in this sentence: "Mrs. Avery pounced. Janet Frisk, you stop that this instant!"
What is the pronoun in this sentence: "All new fifth graders got a letter from her."
Unlike some of the younger women teachers, she never wore this to school.
What is the pronoun in this sentence: "Please have it ready to go for next class."
How many years has Mrs. Granger been teaching?
To have control by one this sentence: "There were seven 5th grade teachers, two math, two science, two social, but only one language arts teacher. In language arts, Mrs. Granger had a monopoly - and a reputation.
What is the adverb in this sentence: "Periods one through six went quickly by."
What was on the blackboard every day written by Mrs. Granger?
Word of the Day
What is the pronoun in this sentence: "Real letter grades would be on our report cards!"
What was the nickname that was given to Mrs. Granger?
The Lone Granger
Of the utmost importance.........the word is in this sentence: "Good grammar and good spelling and good word skills are essential for every student."
What is the conjunction in this sentence: "After that there was a review paper about cursive writing, and then there was a sample sheet showing how the heading should look on every assignment."
On the first day of school what did Mrs. Granger have her students do in her class?
take a vocabulary pre-test of 35 words
How many pronouns are in this paragraph: "First he looked up the definitions in the brand new red dictionary that his mom had bought because Mrs. Granger told her to. It took almost an hour. He could hear a baseball game in John's yard down the street yelling and shouting, and every few minutes the sharp crack of a bat connecting with a pitch. But he had a report to do. For Mrs. Granger."
Who trade marked the word "frindle"?
First and last name
Bud Lawrence