What is the name of the local newspaper in Nick's town?
The Westfield Gazette
What does the sign on Route 302 says below the town's name?
"Home of the Original Frindle"
Who does Nick says the word frindle belongs to?
What is the first word on all of Mrs. Granger's spelling tests?
"P-E-N" but all the kids write "frindle"
The three things in the package from Mrs. Granger
What is a dictionary, a note taped to the dictionary, and a fat white envelope.
Who is the author of Frindle?
What is Andrew Clements!
What other schools in Westifield started using the word Frindle?
The Junior High & High School
What percentage of profits from Frindle merchandise does the contract give Nick?
VOCABULARY: People who buy stuff are called...
Why the battle with Mrs. Granger is over!
Frindle is now in the dictionary!
What were two restaurants Bud Lawrence owned?
McDonalds & Dairy Queen!
What stopped Nick from going ahead with his plan to get better food served in the cafeteria?
The fear of getting in trouble.
The part that Mrs. Granger has chosen to play in the drama over the word frindle, and why she chose to play that role.
The villian. The more pushback she gave him, the more determination Nick built to reach his goal.
What kind of factory that Bud Lawrence opened in Westfield & how many people worked there?
A frindle baseball cap factory with 22 workers!
What was the result of Nick going through with his cafeteria idea?
The cafeteria ended up serving delicious meals 4 days a week.
What does Nick give money to his parents and brother for?
For his parents to travel, and for his brother to save for his daughter's college education.
What is Nick's X-mas gift to Mrs. Granger? What does he tell her to call it?
A fountain pen. She may call it "any name she chooses."