Skipping into Spring
“D” Nature of Things
Take Your Sweet Time
Word Puzzles

March is a great month to fly one of these with the grandkids.



This black-and-white spotted dog is associated with firehouses.

 What is Dalmatian? 

Dalmatians once served as sentinels during war before becoming a firehouse mascot.


How many hours are in a typical workday


It’s advertised as eight-hour workday, but often to get ahead in a company one might need to work much longer days.


Many children’s stories and fairy tales begin with these four words

What is “once upon a time”? 

This beginning ensures the stories remain timeless.


If Pat can buy two apples for $2, how many can you buy for $4?



When the trees and flowers begin to bloom, this medical nuisance means spring has sprung for many of us.


Pollen is a common allergen


When people go to Hawaii, they sometimes swim with these sea creatures.

What are dolphins? 

Dolphins are mammals, not fish.


How many years are in a centennial?

One hundred. 

The word centennial comes from the Latin
words centum, for “one hundred,” and the suffix -ennial, meaning “year.”


Fairy tales often end with this line.

What is “and they lived happily ever after”? 

Parents don’t want to send children off
to sleep with a bad ending.


Don had 10 apples. His friend, Mae, gave him 15 more apples. How many apples does Don have altogether?  



When it is spring in the northern hemisphere, it is ______________ in the southern hemisphere.

Autumn / Fall


This is the term for a tree or shrub that sheds its leaves annually.

What is deciduous? 

Oaks, maples, and beech trees are all deciduous


What does p.m. stand for?

Post meridiem. The abbreviation represents the afternoon, evening, and nighttime hours.


If someone wants something that seems unattainable, we might say, “In your wildest
[missing word].”

What is dreams? 

When people dream, they sometimes work out a path to the unattainable or how to attack a challenge.


Robin went for a walk and found 4 marbles on the floor. As he walked up the hill he dropped 1. He continued walking and found 5 more marbles. How many marbles does Robin have altogether?



Thoroughly cleaning a place, especially in springtime.

Spring cleaning


This large flying insect has not two but four wings and a body that can measure more than five inches.

What is dragonfly? It can fly up to 35 miles per hour


How many hours of sleep each night is recommended for adults by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?


Many people sleep less than seven hours. According to scientific research, some people are genetically programmed to require less sleep and therefore function fine on fewer than six hours of sleep. 


Someone who becomes angry or excited out of
nowhere might be said to have gone off this end.

What is deep? 

When people make outrageous statements, one might say, “They have gone off the deep end.


Joyce was counting her gold.  She put it into piles of 10 and began counting.  10, 20, 30 ...  What are the next 2 numbers she would say?

40, 50


A feeling of restlessness and excitement because spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer.

Spring Fever


This flower goes by several names, is prevalent in the
spring, and is the subject of a William Wordsworth poem that starts, “I wandered lonely as a cloud...."

What is daffodil? 

You might hear them called buttercups, or narcissus, which is their botanical name.


How long is “four score and seven years”?

Eighty-seven years. 

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address begins, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in
Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”


These words are expressed as numbers and mean every hour of every day continuously

What is 24/7?


If Bobby J. buys $12.20 worth of grapes with a $20 note, how much change will he receive?

$ 7.80