Opa once broke his collarbone after falling off of his this
What is his motorcycle?
Mikey was not so pleased when this happened to him when leaving the Sukka one night in Passaic?
What is he was sprayed by a skunk?
What is what Opa called Uncle Mikey?
File 1
Who is Adina?
In this famous questionable story, Big Bubby said when she was young her this fell out?
What is her eyeball?
This is how many descendants Bobby and Opa currently have? Kein yirbu!
What is 43? Kein yirbu!
In a recently performed music video, this is what the schach says?
What is oy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy?
What is Opa's middle name?
File 2
Who is Aviva?
Before Liz's Lites, even before Liz's Loft, our serial entrepreneur got her brand-name started with this local business.
What is Liz on Lachish?
This is how many years Bobby and Opa have been living on 26 St
What is 44?
This is one thing every Frohlich child said they would never do on Chanuka when they had their own families, but all actually do.
What is dance in a circle to Maoz Tzur?
These 2 of 6 Frohlich siblings share a name with the Avos/Imahos
Who are Leah Aviva & Yaakov Aryeh?
File 3
Who are Oma and (big)Opa?
In a recently discovered video clip, this young man ran over his best friend in order to impress his soon to be kalla.
Who is Uncle David?
This is what happened to Kabeba on that fateful day when Bobby went to school
What is Miriam cut her hair off and hid her in the laundry?
This family moved in for Pesach with Liz and Josh just days after Liz gave birth.
Who are Pnina and Yoey?
These 2 sisters-in-law share a middle name with Bobby?
Who are Pnina Esther Malka & Tziporah Malka? (Bobby is Ettel Malka)
File 4
Who are Yosef and Selma Oppenheimer (Oma's parents)
This famous clearview-goer and kids entertainer kept the Frohlich kids busy on the way up to the bungalow
Who is Country Yossi?
He/She is Bobby's favorite grandchild
Just Kidding! :)
Every year, the Frohlichs would go up to Opa's farm for this goyishe holiday
Who is Thanksgiving?
This was Opa's 'handle' on the long drives up to the Catskills
What is Dragon Slayer?
File 5
Who are Moshe and Rivka Devorah Ginsberg (Big Bubby's parents)?
The Vineland Frohlichs were famous for having these- often making them recognizable when meeting new people?
What are their big hands?