French IndIan War
French IndIIan War
More Taxes
The French and Indian War, also called the Seven Years War, was fought between these two countries.
What were England and France?
Warraghiyagey's friend was a sachem named Tiyanoga/Hendrick. A sachem is this.
What is an important spiritual leader of the Native Americans?
English Parliament voted to give the colonies more taxes to pay for this.
What is the French and Indian War?
This man was a firebrand from Boston who started the Sons of Liberty, those responsible for the Boston Tea Party.
Who was Samuel Adams?
In 1774, the colonies had the first this in the city of Philadelphia. Georgia did not send a representative, and the resolutions they passed were ignored by the King.
What is the First Continental Congress?
The English wanted control of this territory, while the French also wanted to use that territory for their fur trade.
What is the Ohio River Valley?
William Johnson married a Mohawk named Degonwadonti, but her English name was this.
What is Molly Brant?
The colonists complained of having to pay money without having anyone in government voting for their interests. The protest was simply called this.
What is "No taxation without representation."?
This man was once the Governor of Boston, and a rich and fierce patriot, who later was hiding in Lexington when Paul Revere came to warn him that the British were coming. He is most famous for his large signature, which can be found on the Declaration of Independence.
Who was John Hancock?
These three men rode on horseback late at night in April of 1775. They warned the residents and minutemen of Lexington and Concord that the British were coming.
Who were Paul Revere, Billy Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott?
George Washington and his men tried to make the French leave, but they failed, and the French defeated them at this fort.
What is Fort Necessity?
Warraghiyagey had a successful meeting with the Iroquois leaders and convinced them to join in the fight against the British. Before that, the colonies had an unsuccessful meeting called this. It failed.
What is the Albany Congress?
In 1765, this tax enraged most Americans, forcing them to pay money each time they bought a piece of printed paper.
What is the Stamp Tax?
This man wrote that "monarchy was a poor form of government" in a pamphlet he titled Common Sense.
Who was Thomas Paine?
People who supported the revolution were called Patriots, or Whigs. Those who supported the British still were called this, or Tories.
What were Loyalists?
General Edward Braddock and his army lost to the French and the Indians due to the superior strategy of the French and Indians. The battle was lost near this French fort.
What is Fort Duquesne?
General Amherst went to Fort Louisbourg and didn't let anything in or out for 7 weeks. This strategy is called this.
What is laying siege?
After the first tax was repealed, this man decided to tax lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. They were also later repealed, except for the tax on tea.
Who was Charles "Champagne Charlie" Townshend?
Patrick Henry, born in Virginia, called out this famous line when giving a speech about the king.
What is "Give me liberty, or give me death!"?
This person shot the first shot of the Battle of Lexington, called the Shot Heard Round the World, on April 19, 1775.
What is Nobody knows who?
This remarkable man was both and Englishman and a Mohawk Indian. His Mohawk name was Warraghiyagey, but his English name was this.
What is William Johnson?
In February of 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War, though the fighting had ended several years earlier when these two Canadian cities fell.
What were Quebec and Montreal?
The American patriots of Boston, led by the Sons of Liberty, threw tea into the Boston Harbor in 1773, calling it this.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
In 1770, British soldiers killed 5 citizens of Boston in the Boston Massacre. American patriots used and slightly changed that story to make the rest of America angry. That method of using false information is called this.
What is propaganda?
Two days after General Washington was appointed by the Second Continental Congress, on June 15, 1775, the British attacked a heavily fortified force of American Patriots on these two hills near Boston.
What are Breed's and Bunker hills?