What was the sign of God's promise to never flood the whole earth again?
The rainbow
What were the names of Noah's 3 sons?
Ham, Shem, & Japheth
Name a descendant of Japheth.
See vs. 2-4. Gomer, Magog, Madai and Javan are the main family lines from Japheth.
How many languages did the people speak at first?
Is God merciful to us?
Yes. He does not give us what our sins deserve. Instead, He sent Jesus to take the punishment in our place.
Why did God send the flood?
Because of man's wickedness (sin).
What was Noah's sin?
Name a descendant of Ham. Bonus if you remember the one who led to the building of the Tower of Babel.
See vs 6-15. Canaan, Cush, Nimrod (Tower of Babel)
In what city/plain did the people settle?
What defines or describes the providence of God?
God's providence means He wisely directs and permits all that happens in His creation.
Who closed the door of the Ark?
What did Ham do when he saw his father's sin?
He went to tell his brothers what he saw.
Name a descendant of Shem.
See vs 21-26. The sons of Shem become the Arabian tribes and the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Midianites, and Edomites. Eber is the name we get Hebrew = seed of Abraham.
Why did the people build a city & tower?
Why does God allow bad things to happen?
All bad things can be traced back to the Fall when sin disrupted God's perfect world. God limits suffering and restrains much evil. When He does allow evil, He uses if for good even if we don't always see this directly or in our lifetime.
How long did the rain last on the earth during the flood?
40 days and 40 nights
How do Shem & Japheth respond to Ham's gossip?
They go in Noah's tent backward and cover him with a blanket.
Which son of Noah does Jesus come from?
How did God show mercy and judgement to the people?
Judgement - punishment for their sin - confuse their language, forced them to scatter
Mercy - came down to them, put off final judgement, did not kill them for disobedience
Are people just puppets if God controls everything?
No. We make choices and are responsible for our actions. God will not override our will, but does direct circumstances in our life to accomplish His will.
How long were Noah, his family and the animals on the ark?
Around a year
What were Noah's prophetic curse and blessings for his sons?
Ham's descendants would serve Shem & Japheth's descendants. Shem's line would follow God.
God has the power to bring about His will.
Why does Genesis 10 matter to us today?
Genesis 10 shows us God's sovereignty. He governs history. God controls nations as they rise and fall.
Can there be mercy without judgement?
No, the definition of mercy is not receiving what we deserve.
Why doesn't God just show me His purposes when my life is hard to understand?
We can trust God's good purposes even when we don't understand what He is doing. Living by faith gives God's children joy and brings Him glory. We must trust Him to show us all we need to know. Only God knows His infinite purposes for everything that happens.