Wars & Battles
Important People
Women in the War
1st This, Then, That!
Foundations of US Government

This battle is known for the "shot heard round the world", starting a long fight for freedom. 

What is the Battle of Lexington & Concord


Cousins in life, brothers in service to freedom: these two men helped organize efforts for the American Revolution; one later becomes the 2nd president of the United States. 

Who are John and Samuel Adams?


This woman is remembered for carrying water to soldiers in battle and even taking up arms when her husband was injured and could not fight. (Hint: she is remembered by two names)

Who is Mary Ludwig Hays or Molly Pitcher? 


Following the 1st Treaty of Paris, at the end of the French & Indian War, this ordinance angered colonists who wanted to move past the Mississippi River/Appalachian Mountains on the western frontier. 

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


The document created during the American Revolution that presented a list of grievances from the colonists.

What is the Declaration of Independence? 


This fight was for territories and trade on the North American Continent, soon to be Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

What is the French & Indian War or The Seven Years War


Two noble patriots who rode through the night to alert towns in Massachusetts that "...the Redcoats are coming"!

Who are Paul Revere and Wentworth Cheswell?

She is credited for co-designing and sewing the 1st American flag. 

Who is Betsy Ross?

Following a bribery attempt by the French (XYZ Affair), President John Adams implemented this act which unjustly treated male immigrants with deportation, jail, fines, and delayed citizenship. 

What are the Alien Acts? 


These three branches of government work together to create, carry out, and review all laws in the US. List them according to their function) 

What is the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government? 


The war fought on two different continents predating the American Revolutionary War

What is the French & Indian War or Seven Years War


The volunteer local military who served at a minute's notice OR during an emergency. (two different groups) 

Who are minutemen and militia?


Tending to the wounded, washing/sewing clothes, cooking, making weapons, or taking care of the farm at home. 

What are ways women supported the war efforts?


A famous protest in Massachusetts after Parliament taxed tea, which colonists believed to be unjust because there was no colonial representation in Parliament. 

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This agreement helped decided that the US government will have representation by population in the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate.

What is the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention?


These allies helped secure the American victory at the Battle of Yorktown. 

Who are the French Navy?


Leader of the Continental Army, delegate at the Constitutional Congress, and the 1st President of the United States of America.

Who is George Washington?


Her political satire and other published works helped bring awareness about the tyranny from Great Britain throughout the colonies.

Who is Mercy Otis Warren?


After many petitions and protests, Parliament decided to do this for the taxes imposed on colonists. 

What is repeal?


America was founded after a long fight for freedom. The first ten amendments of the supreme law of the land protect these freedoms. 

What are the Bill of Rights? 


This battle was where General Cornwallis surrendered  the British Troops.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


The author of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The protesting group who worked to petition and practice civil disobedience in response to the tyranny from Great Britain. The wife of John Adams who led many marches and wrote many petitions. 

Who are the Daughters of Liberty and Abigail Adams?


After heckling and throwing things at the British Redcoats stationed in Massachusetts, 5 civilians were shot and killed during this tragic accident. 

What is the Boston Massacre?


Prior to the US Constitution, this document attempted to unify the 13 colonies as independent states. 

What are the Articles of Confederation?