Harriet Tubman used the spiritual "Go Down Moses" to: a. teach the enslaved Africans about their religion b. signal her arrival to the enslaved Africans c. warn the runaway slaves of approaching danger d. giver herself and others courage to go on
What is signal her arrival to the enslaved Africans (b.)
Harriet Tubman's words, "Go on with us or die" reveal to us what about her character? a. she is a sarcastic person who doesn't mean what she says b. she is an angry person to be feared c. she is a determined person who will do anything to achieve her goals d. she is a warm person who loves the slaves she saves
What is she is a determined person who will do anything to achieve her goals
Which of the following is not an example of a primary source: a. textbooks b. letters c. audio recordings d. newspapers
What is textbooks
What was the author's purpose in writing the Emancipation Proclamation? a. to free slaves across the U.S. b. to convince southern politicians to no leave the U.S.
What is a.
Harriet Tubman encouraged the group of runaways to continue on by: a. threatening them with a gun b. explaining the Fugitive Slave Law c. telling stories about successful escapes
What is : threatening them with a gun (a.)
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 said that anyone who helps conceal or shelter a fugitive from slavery is subject to: a. a hefty fine b. a fine AND imprisonment c. being made a deputy d. being arrested
What is a fine AND imprisonment (b)
"Drumbeats and Bullets" is an example of what type of genre? a. drama b. primary source c. historical fiction d. historical non-fiction
What is historical - fiction
Which of the following is not a rule of the sit-in a. sit up straight b. do not laugh or talk c. strike back d. remember the teachings of Ghandi and MLK
What is c. strike back
Harriet Tubman says that she cannot allow anyone to return to the plantation for the fear of all the: a. slave owners forcing runaways to reveal the true identity of Moses b. runaways being forced to lie to the slave owners about the whereabouts of Moses and the Underground Railroad c. Slave owners punishing the relatives of slaves d. Runaways being forced to tell everything about the Underground Railroad to the slave owners
What is slave owners forcing runaways to reveal the true identity of Moses (a.)
One of the MAIN differences between the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was that a. Act of 1793 required Northerners to turn in fugitive slaves b. Act of 1793 was taken more seriously than Act of 1850 c .Act of 1850 had many provisions to make sure it was enforced
What is (c.) Act of 1850 had many provisions to make sure it was enforced
Which of the following is NOT a reason that Civil War was the last one in which drummer boys were used? a. With new weapons, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hear the drums b. bugles were now being used to pass orders c. Military tactics were changing d. Politicians declared that children should not be used to participate in battles
What is d.
MLK's "I Have a Dream" Speech was given: a. before the Civil War b. during the Civil War c. in the early 1960's d. in the late 1960's
What is early 1960's
When Harriet Tubman tells the group, "And freedom's not bought with dust," she means that: a. people have to work hard to free themselves b. freedom is cheap c. people have to buy their freedom d. even dust is valuable
What is people have to work hard to free themselves (a.)
The Battle of Shiloh was won by: a. The Union Army b. The Confederate Army c. neither army
What is neither army
In the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh" Joby felt that it wasn't fair that: a. the soldiers got guns to fight while he only had drumsticks b. the general was so mean to him c. he had no horse to ride during battle d. the solders were allowed to sleep in
What is a.
One technique that MLK's speech effective is: a. personification b. humor c. allusion
What is allusion
When writers use direct characterization they, a. create characters who are like people they know b. tell exactly what a character is like c. describe their own personality d. draw comparisons between characters
What is (b.) tell exactly what they are like
The Battle of Shiloh occurred in what state: A. Tennessee B. Ohio C. South Carolina D. Maryland
What is Tennessee
The general tells Joby that Joby is the _____ of the army a. emotion b. heart c. music d. problem
What is heart (b)
Which of the following statements best expresses the theme of King's speech? a. only religious people can be truly free b. we are all Americans; we should all be free c. only our children will live to see our freedom d. there is no freedom in America today
What is we are all Americans we should all be free