The French company set up its headquarters at....................



What were the methods adopted by the British to expand their empire in India?

The methods adopted by the British to expand their empire in India were:

  1. By outright wars.
  2. By the system of Subsidiary Alliance.
  3. By adopting the Doctrine of Lapse.
  4. On the pretext of Alleged Misrule.

You are an advisor to a local ruler who has just been offered a Subsidiary Alliance by the British East India Company. The ruler is unsure about the implications of this offer. How would you explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of entering into this alliance?  

  • Potential Benefits:

    • Protection - military protection against external threats and internal disturbances 
    • Support - strategic support and resources
  • Drawbacks:

    • Financial Burden - cost of maintaining British troops 
    • Loss of Autonomy - restrict your ability to make independent decisions regarding military and foreign policy 
    • Administrative Control-interfere in your internal administration, affecting your control over local governance and policy-making. 

The wars between the English and the French companies in India are known as.........................

Carnatic wars


 How did the Subsidiary Alliance affect Indian princely states?

The Subsidiary Alliance significantly reduced the autonomy of Indian princely states. 

They had to follow British directives and pay for the British troops stationed in their territories. 

This system weakened the power of the local rulers and increased British influence and control over their affairs.


You are a local merchant operating in Bengal under the Dual Government system. How would you perceive the impact of this system on your business operations and economic stability?

As a local merchant, the impact of the Dual Government system on my business operations and economic stability would likely be as follows: 

  • Increased Taxation
  • Administrative Inefficiencies 
  • Economic Opportunities


which of the following is wrongly matched;

Shuja-Ud-Daulah - Nawab of Awadh

Siraj Ud Daulah - Nawab of Bengal

Battle of Buxar - 1767

Battle of Plassey - 1757

Battle of Buxar - 1767


How did the British East India Company’s application of the Doctrine of Lapse in Awadh differ from its application in other princely states?

Reason for Annexation: In Awadh, the British East India Company cited administrative inefficiency and misrule as reasons for annexation, rather than the lack of a direct male heir. 

This was a departure from the doctrine’s usual application, which was based on the principle of succession.


Imagine you are a local ruler during the time of British expansion. How would you assess the British East India Company’s tactics and their impact on your rule?

 The British East India Company’s tactics were both strategic and undermining. 

On one hand, the Company’s military prowess and diplomatic maneuvers could provide a strong force against external threats, if alliances are formed.

However, the impact on my rule would likely be detrimental due to: 

  • Loss of Sovereignty
  • Economic Exploitation 
  • Political Manipulation 



What were the main reasons for Anglo-French rivalry in India?

The French cherished the ambition of French Empire in India. But this ambition was challenged by the English. This led to Anglo-French rivalry and the three Carnatic Wars.

The French were defeated and the English became Supreme in the South. From this base the English conquered the rest of India.


Why did Siraj-ud-Daulah lose the Battle of Plassey?

Before the battle, Robert Clive, the Governor of Bengal, won over some of the members of Siraj-ud-Daulah's court like his Commander-in-chief, Mir Jafar and Khadim Khan, who commanded the Nawab's troops. Due to this, major part of the Nawab's army, led by the traitors, did not take part in the fighting and the Nawab was defeated.


Imagine you are a British official tasked with explaining to your superiors why the British East India Company was able to outmaneuver other European trading companies in India. What factors would you highlight in your report?

  • Superior Military Strength 
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Administrative Efficiency
  • Economic Control 
  • Diplomatic Skills