Emails, Notes & Alerts
In The Studio
New Clients
When do Bar Star members get new guest passes and do they roll over?
After 13th payment No
What do you do with an email or voicemail after it's taken care of?
Delete it! That includes gmail
How do you refill the soap in the bathrooms?
Wait until it's gone then 10% soap and the rest water. There are lines on the bottles
When a new client comes in late what needs to be filled out on the paperwork before taking class?
- name - emergency contact - injuries? - pregnant? - signature
What do you do if you hear the door open during class?
Go check on them!
Can members pay cash for Bar Star or Auto-Renew?
Yes they just need to give us cash before their payment date
When there is a red alert and you have either taken care of it or emailed Bree, then what?
Delete it!
What do you do if something is broken in the studio?
Let Alex T/V or Bree know and leave a note on whatever is broken not just putting it in the office.
When a new client is a no show or late cancel for their first class what needs to be done?
Add a red alert that they missed their first class so treat them as new (date and initial)
When can visiting instructors reserve class?
One hour prior Owners whenever
Explain what happens when you are on a wait list and in a class
You will not get in until you cancel the other class. If you make it to #1 and are in another class you are bumped off the wait list
Explain DC-Bethesda email flags
Red - Bree, freeze, cancel, anything without a template Blue - Kate Green - DC working Purple - Bethedsa working *bonus: refresh every time you go in to update flags
Do you have to do a load of laundry every class?
No, if tha basket is not full, don't do it. Waste
When uploading paperwork other than address info, emergency, and injuries what other things need to be udated?
- referral source - add client relationship (not paid for) - in/out of town - birthday - email
When someone has a question you don't know the answer to or you know Bree has to take care of it what do you tell the client?
"I'm not sure but let me check with the manager and I can call you back" Then email Bree about it. Clients should not have to call or email a second time to explain something.
Can we change the date of a payment?
Yes but they have to freeze to shift it
Where do you wright guest pass notes and what's the template?
At the top of the notes section under the last guest pass entry Year 1 Guest Pass 1 - 4/19/14 BZ Year 1 Guest Pass 2 - 4/20/14 BZ
When you take the sign off the door at the start of a shift what do you do about the tape?
Take it off, do not fold it over. There should never be tape left, its ugly
When do you tell them about the NSC and when do you give the envelope?
Tell them on the tour, give envelope after class
How should you write things on the clip board?
First and last name, what they bought or need, cash or cc (Do not leave any for the next day, finish at the end of your shift)
What do you do when someone gives you cash for a bar star payment?
Make payment on account for amount and select cash as payment option. Then email bree and let her know
What do you do when someone late cancels or now shows and wants to come to a later class? (Hint:5 things)
- Let them know they will be charged - Early cancel them - Put them in the next class - Put a note in their profile (bottom) LC for 6am. EC to take 7am. Still charge BZ - email Bree with persons name in subject and say if it's LC or ns
What do you do if you see there is one water jug left in DC?
Log into deer park and check delivery. Change it if needed. Email Alec T/V with questions
If a new client says yes to "are you pregnant" what happens?
If they have taken barre and have a doctors note, they can take class.
Should you email Erik and Kate G if you need coverage?
No, they are an absolute last resort or in case of emergency