This CSS pseudo selector is useful for targeting elements that don't match
What is `:not()`
This method converts a string to an array, splitting it by a specified delimiter.
What is split()?
This javascript framework was released in 2010 and was used within WordPress, and is still apart of the WordPress REST API.
What is the correct DOCTYPE for an HTML webpage
This deprecated HTML element was used to center text, but is still used if god help you, you have to style an email
What is the <center> element?
This media query parameter can be used to help people who suffer from vestibular motion disorders!
What is 'prefers-reduced-motion'
This function is invoked in a React Class based Component, and Brian can never ever remember it, and hope he never has to again.
What is super() or what is constructor()
This 2010 released Javascript framework was released in 2010, used a Model–View–ViewModel pattern, and packed quite a punch!
What is KnockoutJS!
This wonderful little HTML tag allows you to flash text on the screen!
What is the <blink> tag
Prior to the existence of border-radius this technique leveraged HTML tables to create the appearance of rounded corners using what image format?
What is a PNG?
This global selector can be used to style all elements on the page
What is *, *:before, and *:after
This window method can be used to detect if a media query is currently active in the DOM.
What is `matchMedia()`
This javascript task runner was all the rage, using streams, it featured a soda cup as its logo
What is GULP.
This deprecated tag allows you to scroll text across the screen
What is the <marquee> tag!
This was the most popular web browser of the mid-90's
What is Netscape Navigator!
This CSS property makes it so the width and height properties include the content, padding, and border, but do not include the margin.
What is border-box
Which version of Javascript introduced Promises?
Released in 205, this HTML template language allowed you to use {{variables}} within your code, and was the syntax inspiration for several JS frameworks.
What is {{Handlebars}}?
This HTML element type will trigger the 'out-of-range' pseudo class under certain conditions.
Input type number
This famous hack was used to keep table cells from collapsing by supplying then with empty content
What is a single pixel gif, or single pixel gif hack
This CSS color is well.. pretty BADASS.
What is BADA55
This javascript pattern allows you to invoke a function as it's defined
(() => {
window.alert('What is an IIFE or Immediately Invoked Function Expression');
This is the best javascript library of all time!
What is jQuery!
This non semantic HTML code allowed you to conditionally target INTERNET EXPLORER, and was often used to apply specific IE stylesheets
what is an HTML comment, or <!--[IF IE]><style><![endif]>
Name any O'Reilly Book, and its matching animal.
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